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PTF | temporary storage
 temporary storage
hydroel.st. 临时蓄水量
IT 暂时存储器
met. 暂存存储器
multimed. 临时存储器

noun | adjective | to phrases
 English thesaurus
PTF abbr.
abbr. Part Time Flexible; Phase Transfer Function; Pipe Taper Fine (мелкая коническая трубная резьба AMlingua)
abbr., agric. plasma thromboplastic factor
abbr., auto. power to fen
abbr., avia. Malololailai, Fiji; product troubleshooting form; propulsion test facilities
abbr., comp., net. Program Temporary Fixes
abbr., ed. Parent Teacher Fellowship
abbr., ed., scient. Part Time Faculty
abbr., el. a phase transition with a field (effect); permanent test facility; point spread transfer function; programmable transverse filter; punch-through factor
abbr., file.ext. Problem Temporary/Trouble Fix (IBM)
abbr., IT Pest Template File; Pretty Terrible Fix; Program Temporary Fix; problem trouble fix
abbr., logist. Panama Through Fuel
abbr., med. plasma thromboplastin factor (Игорь_2006); plasma thromboplastin factor X
abbr., mil. Package Test Fixture; Precise Time & Frequency
abbr., mil., avia. polymer thick film
abbr., oil production test flowing
abbr., opt. pulse transfer function
abbr., org.name. Project Task Force
abbr., pharma. peak-to-trough fluctuations (Игорь_2006)
abbr., scottish Fast Patrol Craft (USA)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Partition Trace File
abbr., tech. phase transfer function (MichaelBurov)
mil. patch and test facility; predicted time of fall; provisional task force
tech. photoelectric threshold frequency; polymer thick film; programmable transversal filter
PTFS abbr.
abbr., med. Posttraumatic Fibromyalgia Syndrome
aeron. Pilot to Forecast Service
ptf n
O&G flowing tubing pressure
O&G, sahk.r. per thousand feet
PTF abbr.
abbr., busin. particular to follow
abbr., earth.sc. pedotransfer functions
abbr., oil power transmission fluid; production test flowed
abbr., space picture transfer function
PTF temporary storage
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Textile industry1