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noun | adjective
Odin ['əudin] n
gen. 北欧神话奥丁神; 司智慧、艺术、诗词、战争的主神; 世界的统治者
avia. 奥丁卫星 (瑞典研制的射电天文和大气物理研究小卫星)
space 奥丁 (瑞典射电天文和大气物理研究小卫星)
"Odin" n
mil. "奥丁神" (号潜艇(英),修理船(西德))
 English thesaurus
ODIN ['əudɪn] abbr.
abbr. Optimal Data Information Network; Outsourcing Desktop Initiative For Nasa; Operations Dedicated Imagery Network (LOCE)
abbr., avia. optimal design integration
abbr., comp., net., IT Open Document Image Network
abbr., el. Oki digital information network system; on-line documentation and information network
abbr., inet. Online Dakota Information Network
abbr., mil. Operational Digital Network; Operational Data Integrated Network (Киселев)
abbr., mil., air.def. observation, detection, identification and neutralization.
abbr., mil., avia. observe, detect, identify and neutralize
abbr., progr., IT Open Documentary Information Navigator
abbr., scottish Operational Data Interface
abbr., tech. operational digital network
aeron. Optical Design Integration
tech. optimal design integration system