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OMA [-'əʊmə] abbr.
sport. 阿曼 (National Olympic Committee)
-oma abbr.
gen. 的复数
agric. ;
-oma... abbr.
 English thesaurus
OMA [-'əʊmə] abbr.
abbr. Office Of Metropolitan Architecture; Office of Military Affairs (CIA); Office of Military Assistance; Oklahoma Military Academy; Operations and Maintenance, Army; Orderly Market Arrangement
abbr., avia. Omaha, Nebraska USA; orthogonal multiple access; optical-mech assembly
abbr., earth.sc. Ocean Mining Administration; ocean mining associates; Office of Oceanography and Marine Assessment; Ontario Mining Association; Overseas Mining Association
abbr., ed., scient. Online Music Appreciation
abbr., el. operations monitor alarm; optical modulation absorption; optical multiple access
abbr., el., scient. Object Management Architecture
abbr., fin. orderly marketing arrangement
abbr., inet. Object Of My Affection
abbr., IT Open Meta Archive
abbr., Makarov. Ocean Mining Association
abbr., med. Ontario Medical Association (Canada); Oregon Medical Association
abbr., mil. One Man Army; Operation and Maintenance, Army
abbr., mil., avia. operations maintenance area
abbr., nautic., scient. Oceanography and Marine Assessment
abbr., O&G Operations and Maintenance Agreement (MichaelBurov)
abbr., opt. optical multichannel analyzer
abbr., plast. n-octyl methacrylate
abbr., relig. Oh My Allah
abbr., scottish Office of Mine Awareness; Operations & Maintenance, Army (US Army)
abbr., space operations management application
abbr., tech. operations and maintenance army
abbr., telecom. Open Mobile Alliance (t_edelweis)
abbr., tradem. Online Marketing Agency
abbr., transp. Eppley Airfield
mil. operational maintenance activity; organizational maintenance activity
ophtalm. oculomotor apraxia (Oculomotor apraxia (OMA), is the absence or defect of controlled, voluntary, and purposeful eye movement. wikipedia.org 'More)
tech. optical-mechanical assembly
Oma. abbr.
abbr. Omaha
Oma [-'əʊmə] abbr.
abbr., oil Omaha
oma [-'əʊmə] abbr.
abbr. orderly marketing agreement
OmA [-'əʊmə] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. observation-minus-analysis
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
Reproductive biology2