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od abbr.
gen. 自然力过去认为产生磁力、化学变化等现象在自然界存在的一种假想力
 English thesaurus
OD abbr.
abbr. Officer/Director (вк); Ordnance Department; Ordnance Division; ore dressing; outside outer diameter; overdraught; Old Dominion; Organizational Design; Octal Dump; Operating Directive (s); Officer of the Day; officer of the day (on duty Vosoni); Ostrich Disorder; overdose (передозировка Val_Ships)
abbr., auto. overdrive; oil distributor; operating data; outer outside diameter
abbr., avia. optical demultiplexer; optical detector; order; origin and destination; operational display; official documents; operational deviation; optimization design; option definition; organization department; outline drawing; output data
abbr., BrE ordnance
abbr., busin. ordering and distribution; over draft; own damage
abbr., cardiol. right atrium (iwona)
abbr., commer. original date; office of destination
abbr., commun. object dictionary (Метран)
abbr., comp., net. on demand
abbr., corp.gov. organizational design; organizational development
abbr., dentist. non-fixed over-denture (MichaelBurov); non-fixed overdenture (MichaelBurov); OVD (MichaelBurov); overdenture (MichaelBurov); over-denture (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dril. Optimum Depth (Vicomte)
abbr., earth.sc. oxygen deficit
abbr., econ. overdraft, overdraught, overdrawn; ex dividend
abbr., ed., scient. Oxford Dictionary
abbr., el. objective diaphragm; official document; omnidirectional; optical design; optical dichroism; optical diffraction; optical disc; optical distortion; optimum detector; ordinary node; original pattern data; originator detection pattern; out-band dial-pulse; output diode; output disable
abbr., el., scient. Omni Directional
abbr., fin. other deductions (Метран)
abbr., insur. occupational disease
abbr., IT Open Diary; optical disk
abbr., Makarov. orbit determination
abbr., manag. organization development (HR consulting; Organization development (OD) is a deliberately planned effort to increase an organization's relevance and viability. WAD Alexander Demidov)
abbr., math., scient. Off Diagonal
abbr., med. overdose (Vosoni); right eye; oculus Dexter Right Eye; Occupational Dermatitis; Ontario Dentist (periodical); officer of the day (MichaelBurov); oculus dextra (Latin Vosoni); Odmann
abbr., med., lat. oculus dexter
abbr., mil. Olive Drab; other detainee
abbr., mil., avia. obligatory deliveries
abbr., mil., WMD open detonation
abbr., mining. ordnance datum
abbr., nautic., scient. Optical Density
abbr., O&G, sakh. O.D.; outside diameter (of a pipe, vessel, or similar container)
abbr., oil Oceanographic Data Station; octylated diphenylamine; oil drainage; oil droplet; on deck; operation directive; original design; original drawing; out draw; overall diameter; overburden drilling; overdrawn; over drive; oxygen demand
abbr., oncol. Oligodendrogliomas; OverDose
abbr., ophtalm. doctor of optometry (doc090); optometrist (doc090)
abbr., org.name. Operations Department; Office of the Assistant Executive Director
abbr., physiol. Occupational Disease
abbr., physiol., med. Occupational disease; Over Dose
abbr., polym. on demand no; outer diameter; optical density
abbr., product. open drainage (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., proj.manag. original duration
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Lebanon); Ordinary Seaman
abbr., seism. Optimal Depth (Vicomte)
abbr., space obstacle detector; optimizing decision; orientation device; outline dimension; overall dimension; overheat detector; overload detector
abbr., tech. outside diameter (MichaelBurov)
abbr., transp. Origin Destination
abbr., wood. oven dry
comp., abbr. orbital diversity
energ.ind., abbr. operating division; oscillator/demodulator; overall dimensions; overdosing; oxidative deactivation
invest., abbr. overdraft
mil. olive drab
mil., abbr. observation data; office of the director; officer of the desk; on duty; operations directive; operations director; operations division; optical device; order of the day; ordnance data; ordnance delivery; ordnance depot; ordnance document; organization development; outside dimension
physiol., abbr. Overdosed
tech., abbr. observed drift; orbital decoy
od abbr.
abbr. optical density; outside dimensions
abbr., med. once a day
dial. god
med. odor
Od abbr.
abbr., med. odour
ODteam abbr.
abbr., mil., grnd.forc. Operational Detachment (Val_Ships)
od. abbr.
polym. odour
OD: 31 phrases in 9 subjects
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal3
Oil / petroleum2