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noun | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
obi ['əubɪ] n
gen. 日本和服上围系的阔腰带
karate. 腰带
textile 日本和服腰带; 日本妇女、儿童和服用的宽大腰带; 日本欧比宽腰带 (belt); 和服腰带 (belt); 阔腰带 (belt)
 English thesaurus
OBI ['əubɪ] abbr.
abbr. Only By Invitation; Operation Blessing International; Observable Human Resources Intelligence; on-board imager (MyxuH)
abbr., auto. over boost indicator
abbr., automat. open-back inclinable
abbr., avia. Obidos, Pa, Brazil
abbr., bank. Off-balance item (Millie)
abbr., comp., net. Online Book Initiative
abbr., ed., scient. Oneida Baptist Institute; Osaka Bioscience Institute
abbr., el. on-board interface
abbr., inet. Open Buying on the Internet
abbr., IT Open Biodiversity Informatics
abbr., Makarov. omnibearing indicator
abbr., med. Oklahoma Blood Institute; Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (bigmaxus)
abbr., met. oxygen-bearing inclusions
abbr., scottish Omni-Bearing Indicator
abbr., tradem. Oilfield Bearing Industries; OsteoBiologics, Incorporated
mil. obligated involuntary; order-of-battle information
obus [ə'bu:s] abbr.
abbr. omnibus
OBI ['əubɪ] abbr.
abbr. Office of Basic Instrumentation
abbr., avia. omni bearing indicator; optical beat interference
OBI: 8 phrases in 1 subject
Textile industry8