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National Development and Reform Commission
 National Development and Reform Commission
ecol. 发展改革委员会
| of the
 of the
gen. 大城市的流浪儿
| People's Republic of China
 People's Republic of China
China polit. 中华人民共和国

to phrases
National Development and Reform Commission
ecol. 发展改革委员会
fin., China 国家发展改革委员会 (我国国务院直属机构,简称"国家发改委",是综合研究拟定经济和社会发展政策,进行总量平衡,指导总体经济体制改革的宏观调控机构)
 English thesaurus
National Development and Reform Commission
abbr., dipl. NDRC (kotechek)
National Development and Reform Commission: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
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