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NIG [nɪg] n
sport. 尼日尔 (National Olympic Committee)
nig [nɪg] n
 English thesaurus
NIG [nɪg] abbr.
abbr. Networking Infrastructure Grant; National Input Group
abbr., avia. Nikunau, Republic of Kiribati
abbr., el. nonintercepting grid
abbr., inet. national internet gateway (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., med. National Institute Of Genetics
abbr., mil., avia. network infrastructure grant
abbr., radio non-intercepting grid
abbr., tradem. Nunavut Investment Group
abbr., vet.med., med. National Institute of Genetics Genetic Resources Laboratory
nig [nɪg] abbr.
abbr., med., lat. niger
Nig [nɪg] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. nigerite
abbr., oil Niagara
Nig. n
geogr. Nigeria (Vosoni)
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