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noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
mod [mɔd] n
gen. 时髦的人物,风格,式样; ; 模数; 调节器; 调制器
busin. 时髦人物
multimed. 求模运算
tech. 取模函数
textile 新潮; 摩登风格1958年前后英国
 English thesaurus
mod [mɔd] abbr.
abbr. modeling; modification
abbr., space modification, modify
agric. moderate
inet. moderator (acrogamnon)
IT modular
polym. model; modulus
mod. abbr.
abbr. modified; modifier; module (modulus); model; modern (Vosoni); modernized (Vosoni)
abbr., earth.sc. modification; modulator; modulus
abbr., radio modulation; modulated
Mod. abbr.
abbr. Modern Reports; moderato
MoD [mɔd] abbr.
abbr. Ministry of Defence (UK)
MODS [mɔdz] abbr.
abbr., el. magneto-optical disc storage; major operation data system; manpower operation data system; military orbital development station
abbr., libr. Metadata Object Description Schema
abbr., mil., air.def. major operations data system
abbr., mil., avia. machine-oriented data system
MODS [mɔdz] abbr.
abbr. Management Operating Data System; manned orbital development station; Modular Oceanographic Data System; Multiple Object Data System
abbr., med. Medically Oriented Data System; Multiple-organ Dysfunction Syndrome; multiorgan dysfunction syndrome (Rive); Multiple Organs Disfunction Score (MichaelBurov)
abbr., multimed. Multiplexed Optical Data Storage
abbr., oil modem offshore drilling system
abbr., physiol. Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
abbr., space modification sheet
mil. military orbital development system; missile offense/defense system
mods [mɔdz] abbr.
inet. modifications (gennier); modifications to the original (version gennier)
: 36 phrases in 10 subjects
Air defense1
Information technology1
Textile industry18
United Kingdom1