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MH abbr.
agric. 抑芽丹; 马来酰胼; 青鲜素植物生长调节剂,C₂H₄N₂O₂
auto. 房车轮胎的字母标志
chem. 抑芽丹 (农药)
 English thesaurus
MH abbr.
abbr. Master Hunter; Mail Handler; Manufactured Housing; Mark Heard; Mechanical Products; Meeting House; Mike Hailwood; Ministerio de Hacienda; Mobile Home; Must Have; magnetic head; magnetic heading; man-hours; manhole; Master Help; Master Of Herbology; master of hounds; Materials Handler; Medal of Honor; Mediocre Hunter; Member Of Hell; Methyl Hydroxyl; Michael Humphreys; Milli Henries; Ministry of Health; Missing Hours; Modified Huffman (Fax); Most Honourable; Mt. Hood Railroad Company; Mulberry Heart; Mystery Host; moulting hormone; molting hormone
abbr., adv. megaHertz
abbr., auto. mid hight; mobilemotor home
abbr., avia. minimum height; man hour; Malaysia Airlines
abbr., biol. marital history or menstrual history
abbr., chem. maleic hydrazine
abbr., chem., scient. Metal Halide; Metal Hydroxide
abbr., comp., net. modular hub
abbr., comp., net., IT Make Header
abbr., earth.sc. multiple geo-hazards
abbr., econ. material handing
abbr., ed. Magister Hukum (Master of Law Розмари)
abbr., el. manhours; man-hours; memorized heading; microwave holograph; modified Huffman code; monitor headphone; multi-heterojunction; multi-heterostructure
abbr., genet. malignant histiocytosis
abbr., health. municipal hospital (igisheva)
abbr., hydrol. maximum hygroscopicity
abbr., IT Mobile Host; Message Handling; message handing; message header
abbr., Makarov. maleic hydrazide; mammotropic hormone
abbr., med. Medical Humanities (periodical); Medtronic Hall (heart Valves); Murine Hepatitis; Master Herbalist; malignant hyperthermia (Vosoni); mass hysteria; Medical Hold; mental health; Mahogany Hammock; D-mannoheptulose; melanophore hormone; menstrual history; mutant hybrid
abbr., met. mold hardness
abbr., mil. Message Handler; Mine Hunter
abbr., mil., WMD munitions holding area
abbr., multimed. modified Huffman-encoding
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. man-hour or man-hours
abbr., oil magnetite-hematite; main hatch; maintenanced history; man-hour; material handling; medium hard; medium power homer; medium to hard; methyl hexane; microhardness; mousehole
abbr., philat. mint hinge (новая марка с наклейкой Leonid Dzhepko); mint hinged (новая марка с наклейкой Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., physiol. Malignant Hypersensitivity
abbr., physiol., med. Marital history; Medical History; Mental Health
abbr., polit. Marshall Islands; Montserrat
abbr., polym. medium-hard
abbr., scottish type abbreviation Minehunter (Inshore; I); type abbreviation Minheunter (Ocean; O); Minehunter
abbr., shipb. main hitch; man hole
abbr., sport. Multi Hand
abbr., telecom. modified Huffman coding scheme
abbr., tradem. Music House
abbr., transp. Manhole
energ.ind. maintenance hoist
mil. maintenance handbook; materials handling; military history; military hospital; miscellaneous hardware; missile handler; muzzle hatch
O&G manipulated variable high-limit setpoint
tech. miles per hour; mounting hole; multicolor holography
mh abbr.
abbr. marital history; mental health; microhenry
abbr., mil., avia. millihour
opt. millihenry
mH abbr.
abbr. mass of a hydrogen atom
abbr., earth.sc. mass of hydrogen atom
: 6 phrases in 6 subjects
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