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MCP abbr.
abbr., avia. maintenance control position; MONCO Communication Protocol
MCP abbr.
abbr. Male Chauvinist Pig; Massachusetts Contingency Plan; Metrowerks Codewarrior Project; Minho Campus Party; Monthly Capitation Payment; male chauvinist pig; Managing Conference Proceedings; Mark Current Procedure; Mask Characters Printable; Master Crap Program; Math Chemistry Physics; Media and Communications Processor (IC); Media Control Processor; Merlin Convenience Pack (IDB, OS/2); Message Control Protocol; metal casting pattern; Micro Casted Piston; Microsoft Crapy Program; multichannel communications program; multiple chip package; macrophage chemoattractant protein; MCP-mathoron; Mobile Centered Paging; Monsoon Climate Program; Multiport / Multiprotocol Communication Processor; My Computer Page; My Crap Postings
abbr., afr. Malawi Congress Party
abbr., agric. Minnesota Corn Processors; Multiple Cropping Program
abbr., anat. metacarpophalangeal (Игорь_2006)
abbr., anim.husb. MCPA
abbr., auto. manual climate panel
abbr., automat. machine control panel (Technical)
abbr., avia. magnetic compass pilot; maintenance control panel; mode control panel; management control plan; management of cover plate; master change proposal; maximum climb power; maximum continue power; micro-channel plate; microprogrammed center processor
abbr., biol. methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein
abbr., busin. manufacturing change point
abbr., chem. 1-methylcyclopropane
abbr., commer. Mission Coordinating Paper
abbr., comp., IT Media Communication Processor
abbr., comp., net. message control processor
abbr., earth.sc. manual calibration program; melting consolidating penetrator; metallorganic compound prospecting; microprogrammed control processor; mining and chemical products limited
abbr., el. microchannel plate; magnetically confined plasma (condition); main control processor; master control processor; Markov control process; mask contact printing; mass calling platform; massively concurrent processing; master call process; math coprocessor; metal ceramic package; metallized ceramic with polyimide; missile base communications processor; module control processor; multichannel communication program; multichannel communications processor; multi-chip in package; multichip package; multi-component plasma; multiflow conversation protocol; multimedia compression processor; media and communication processor; motion compensation prediction
abbr., el., scient. Micro Channel Plate; Multi- Chip Package
abbr., energ.ind. main circulation pump (Tiny Tony)
abbr., file.ext. Application script (Capsule); Composed Media multimedia file (NetMC Player); Message Control Program; Printer driver (Mathcad)
abbr., fin. main compensatory product
abbr., goldmin. MCP detector (MichaelBurov); microchannel plate-based detector (MichaelBurov)
abbr., immunol. membrane cofactor protein (Хрыч); monocyte chemoattractant protein (Игорь_2006)
abbr., inet. Management Communication Protocol (Artjaazz)
abbr., insur. Manufacturer's and Contractors' Liability Policy
abbr., IT Master Control Program; Media Communications Processor; Printer driver; media content provider; motion compensated prediction; multi-stream conversation protocol
abbr., math., scient. Minimum Convex Polygon
abbr., med. Major Capsid Protein; Membrane Cofactor Protein; Mitotic-control Protein; Molecular & Cellular Proteomics (periodical); Monocyte Chemotactic Protein; Monocyte chemotactic protein (Shell); 4-chloro-methylphenoxyacetic acid, methoxone; membrane cofactor of proteolysis
abbr., met. Mansfield Copper process
abbr., mil. Maintenance Collection Point; Mission Capability Package; Monitor and Control Protocol; Modular Countermeasures Pod
abbr., mil., air.def. modular countermeasure pod; multiple chip processor
abbr., mil., avia. main control panel
abbr., mil., WMD Monitoring Concept Plan
abbr., mining. MCC (MichaelBurov); mining and chemical combine (MichaelBurov); mining and chemical plant (MichaelBurov); mining and chemical works (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nucl.pow. main circulation pump (MichaelBurov); reactor coolant pump (MichaelBurov); main circulator (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. major capital projects (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sakh. manual call point; master contracting procedures
abbr., oil maximum casing pressure; maximum cavity pressure; methyl cyclopentane; methyl cyclopropanone; multicomponent plasma; mechanical completion package (eugeene1979)
abbr., physiol. Mean Circulatory Pressure; MetaCarpophalangeal Joint
abbr., physiol., med. Metacarpophalangeal Joint
abbr., progr., IT Mud Client Protocol; Myrinet Control Program
abbr., scient. Microsoft Certified Professional
abbr., scottish Maximum Continuous Power; MicroChannel Plate; Military Construction Program (USAF); Mistral Co-ordination Command Post
abbr., shipb. main control program
abbr., space materials control plan; meteorological communications package; multi-channel plate
abbr., st.exch. Market Clearing Price; Morgan Stanley Dean Witter; Monthly Contract Price (kotechek)
abbr., tech. master control panel (MichaelBurov); measure correlate predict
abbr., virol. major capsid protein (Игорь_2006)
abbr., wind. measure-correlate-predict
energ.ind. main circulation piping; measurement control program; minimum controllable power
mil. main control panel; maintenance control point; management and control plan; manual control panel; material control plan; Materiel Command procedure; measurements control procedure; medical continuation pay; milestone control procedure; military construction plan; missile control panel; missile control point; mobile command post; monitoring and control panel
tech. main coolant pump; master computer program; mission control programmer; monocalcium phosphate; multichannel plate; multichannel processor
MCPA abbr.
abbr., chem. 2-methyl-4-chloro-phenoxyacetic acid; methoxane
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