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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
M [em] n
proj.manag. (mega); 货币供应量财经中分为 MO, Ml, M2, M3
ms [mɪz] n
proj.manag. 毫秒 (millisecond)
M [em] abbr.
auto. 临时用备胎aT,,type spare tire; 表示此类轮胎最高允许车速为130knVh (侧壁上速度标记,如T205/75 R15, 84M 中字母 M)
econ. 英语的第十三个字母
met. 形料面。料线低于碰撞点时; 由于炉料先撞击炉墙; 反弹后落在炉内的料面上; 随着料线的降低; 堆尖也逐步远离炉墙; 炉内同样会形成 M 形料面。; 【钢】钢锭模
plast. ; 百万
m [em] abbr.
gen. M 形; 罗马数字的千
archit. (长度单位)
M.= V. wool Montevideo wool abbr.
textile 蒙特维迪奥美利奴短羊毛
 English thesaurus
M [em] abbr.
abbr., photo. manual override
m. abbr.
abbr., econ. money
ms. abbr.
abbr. manuscriptum
M [em] abbr.
abbr. Making; Man; Management; Mark; Marketing; May; Message; Michael; Million; Minutes; Modern; Monday; Months; Mach; Mach number; Machine; Magic; magnetic; Magnetron; Maiden; Malaysia; Managing; Mandatory; Maneuver; Maniacal; Manic; Manifold; Manservant; March; Marquess; Marquis; Mars; Master; Mathematics; Matthew; Mature; Maturity (кредитование Leonid Dzhepko); Maxim; Maximum; Mechanized; medical; Mediocre; Mega - (metric 10^6); Megawatt; member; meteorological; meteorologist; meter; Meters; meters; metres; metropolitan; Michigan; Milan; mile; Mille; Miniatures; minus; Mira; Misery; mist; moisture; moisture in steam sample; Molecular; moment; Monocytes; Monon Railroad; Monsieur; month; moon; morning; Moronic; Moslem; Motherfucker; Motivation; motorway; Murder; Murderer; Mutual; nucleus mass; mix; Mega- metric 10^6; macadam road; Malta; megohm; metallic; metallurgical; meterological; mine-sweeper; mining; moment (of force); monovalent, metal; Monthly Report; Technical Memorandum; thousand (mille); metaphase
abbr., agric. mean; micrococcus; mycoplasm
abbr., agrochem. meridian; meteorology; moraine; mountain
abbr., astr. Messier catalog (Vosoni)
abbr., auto. manual mode; manual transmission; medium mode; meter/ metre; motor octane (number)
abbr., avia. marker; marker beacon; pitching moment; maneuvering speed; metres; miles; misleading; mockup
abbr., biol. heat; height; membrane; methionine; miscellaneous; mucoid; muscular
abbr., busin. mail; major; manager; manifest; marine; melting; metric; midday; middling; minimum charge; ministry; monthly; mortgage; mould; mold; municipal
abbr., Canada militia
abbr., cartogr. Manitoba; market; meteorological radio station
abbr., chem. electropositive radical; molar concentration (molarity); molecular weighty; mustard gas
abbr., commer. mail; Malaysian Dollar; mate; money supply
abbr., comp., IT Memory
abbr., construct. macadam
abbr., earth.sc. intensity of magnetization; magnaflux; magnet; magnetic dipole moment; magnetism; mammoth; maps; martin; massive; mass number; Matsuyama; melanite; mercury; mesosiderite; metabolite; metallurgy; metasomatites; micro-; microcline; middlings; migmatite; ,m mile; Mindel; minitrack; Moho; mollusks; moment of couple; moment of force; monoclinic; monovalent metal; monzonite; mordenite; Moscow
abbr., ed., scient. Engineering
abbr., el. mainframe; melamine; micron; mirror; modifier function bit; monitor; multiplexing; Massachusetts general hospital utility multiprogramming system; modem
abbr., electr.eng. m
abbr., file.ext. Macro module (Brief); Maple Common binary file; Matlab M-file Function and commands; Miranda programming language Script file; Objective-C language source code file (gcc)
abbr., fin. supply of money
abbr., fishery natural mortality coefficient
abbr., logist. minimum rate
abbr., math., scient. Method
abbr., mech.eng. graduated in metric (system)
abbr., med. Blood Factor In The MNS Blood Group System; Multiple Tumors; master; medicine; molar; thousand; muscle; mega; midnight (Vosoni); monoclonal (Vosoni); male; married; meg; moles (per liter); morgan; myopic; myopia; r molecular weight ratio; maceratio; Medical Service; medullary; mesophragm; mesor; metastases; mitosis; mitral; moisture loss; molar solution; Moraxella; mucoid colony; multiprogrammable; Musca; muscularity; Mycobacteria; map unit
abbr., med., conv.notation. mutual inductance (henry); amount of substance (mole); newton•meter; radiant existance (watts per square meter); radiation; thioinosine
abbr., med., lat. marg о; misce; modus
abbr., media. Media; Multimedia
abbr., met. malleable
abbr., mil. Mission; Model; Mega (million); mobility (Киселев)
abbr., nautic. mortar
abbr., O&G mln (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. magnitude (earthquake measured on Richter scale); US dollars million
abbr., oil & FP maximum and final pressure; a M-N crossplot parameter; magnetization; magnitude; marginal allowable; metacenter; mobility ratio; molal; mudstone; slope of interval transit time vs density; Mach speed; magnetic flux; magnetite; marble; martensite; massif; matrix; maximal; median; medieval; megaohm; mesh; metasediment; mica; middle; middle formation; middlings; milliard; minor; Miocene; Mississippian; modified; moist; mollusca; montmorillonite; mudflats; muscovite; mylar
abbr., oncol. Meter
abbr., opt. magnification
abbr., phys. luminous emittance
abbr., phys., scient. Mass; Multiple
abbr., physiol. Male; Molar; Muscle
abbr., pigeon.race. Mosaic
abbr., polym. mechanical; mega; modulus; mol; molality; molarity; molecular weight; monovalent
abbr., progr., IT Mobile
abbr., qual.cont. maintenance ratio; Markov (ian)
abbr., radio coefficient of modulation
abbr., scient. Music
abbr., scottish mach (speed of sound); mega - (million); Mike (phonetic alphabet); Time zone 172.5 E-180 E (GMT -12)
abbr., securit. One Thousand
abbr., soil. mountainous
abbr., tech. minimum acceptable reliability
abbr., telecom. modem
abbr., tradem. Microsoft
abbr., water.suppl. M Infiltration Index phi
el. 106; 220
el.chem. mole
energ.ind., abbr. maxwell; modulus; moisture in steam sample; molarity; molecular weight; month; nucleus mass
int.transport. minimum (rate classification)
meteorol., abbr. memorandum; message; messenger; meteorological; meteorologist; metres; meters; midnight; mile; minus; mist; moderate; moon; morning
mil. munition; magazine; maintainability; maintenance; map; mark; marshal; mask; material; materiel; measure; mechanic; mechanism; memorandum; memory; message; messenger; microfilm; microphone; mil; military; mine; minesweeper; missing; mobile; mobilization; model; module; motor; mounted; movement; mustard
mil., agrochem. meteorology
mil., avia. marker
railw., abbr. mail (postal)
tech. bending moment; intensity of magnetic polarization; magnetic moment; magnetic quantum number; make; maxwell; megabyte; mesa; mesomeric effect; metering; micro; moderate; modulation; modulation factor; modulator; molar concentration; molecular magnetic rotary power; molecular rotary power; mother; mother spacecraft; multiplexer; nautical mile; order of spectrum; slope of equilibrium curve
tech., agrochem. moraine; mountain
tech., avia. marker beacon
therm.eng., abbr. meter; moisture; moment
m [em] abbr.
abbr. meridional; angular momentum; maritime air mass; quantity of magnetism; main; maintenance check; manpower; manual; manual control; married; masculine; mass flow rate; mega-; Member; member of council; merchant vessel; metal; metal case; metre; millimeter; million; mineral matter; minimal; minimum; minute; minutes charged; missile; mist; mistake; mix; mixed; mode; moisture content; month; moon; morning; mouth; subsea; mean of population; gene flow
abbr., chem. meta-
abbr., earth.sc. body-wave magnitude; major element; marine accumulation; mesostasis; Poisson's number
abbr., el. milli-; mass of an electron
abbr., genet. minute plaque
abbr., med. male; meter; minim; mole; meta; muscle; milliminim; malignant; mass of an atom or nuclidic mass (unified atomic mass units); melts at; melting at; metopion; metronome; minims; misty; absolute molecular mass; μC millimicrocurie; nanocurie
abbr., med., conv.notation. standard error
abbr., oil mast; medium; AM milliammeter
abbr., phys. electromagnetic moment; mass of electron; Poisson's ratio
abbr., telecom. milli
agric. measurement; milk; mill
cartogr. macadam (road); mud
econ. marginal cost; money
insur. Mile (s)
med. murmur (Vosoni)
O&G apparent cementation factor; cementation exponent; fuel; fuel consumption; mile; milli -; milliard/billion; slope
O&G, sakh. milli (metric prefix meaning 1 x 1/1,000)
opt. electron rest mass
pharm. mixture
phys. megacycle
radio metres (Leonid Dzhepko)
spectr. multiplet (сокращение, принятое при характеристике спектра ЯМР. В отечественной практике функционирует аналогичное сокращение - "м" (мультиплет) Min$draV)
tech. malfunction
M. abbr.
abbr. Mary; moisture content; monthly (Vosoni); magnaflux; male; manual; mask; metacentre; metre (meter); middle; mile; month; Mg. medium machin gun
abbr., commer. memorandum; motor
abbr., earth.sc. Manitoba; market; megaohm; metacenter; micro-; ,m mile; mode; model
abbr., econ. monsieur
abbr., greek.lang., earth.sc. mega-
abbr., lat. Marcus ("Mark", a common Roman forename); Maria ("Mary"); Martyr; Memoria ("memory"); Monumentum ("monument")
abbr., libr. main; master; member; mounted; music
abbr., met. wt. molecular weight
abbr., mining. megohm
abbr., phys. magnetic dipole moment
abbr., tech. May
abbr., textile middling
law magistrate; manslaughter; manuscript
m. abbr.
abbr. magnet; magnetic; marked; message; milli-; mine; minim; mistake; moderate; mouth; material and labour; metric graduated; molality
abbr., earth.sc. mark; maxwell; mean; measure; melting; mud
abbr., econ. market value
abbr., libr. map; micro; modern
mining. mesh; minor; mother liquor
polym. machined; mass; medium; melts at; meta; metric; minimal; minute; molar
textile metre
μm abbr.
abbr. micron
abbr., earth.sc. micrometers
abbr., el. micrometer
O&G, sakh. micrometer (1 x 10-6 m); micron (unit of length equal to 1/1,000,000 m or 1/1,000 mm)
M/ abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. micro-
abbr., oil chargeability; middle; mutual inductance
abbr. millimicro-
abbr. megaohm
m- abbr.
abbr., chem. meso-
abbr., earth.sc. meta-
abbr., earth.sc. millimicron
abbr., el. megohm
m- abbr.
abbr., med. meta
abbr., med. milligamma; nanogram
abbr., med. millimicrometer
M2 [em] abbr.
abbr. Square Meter
θm abbr.
abbr. melting point
abbr. macrophage
M.% abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. molar percent
M % [em] abbr.
abbr., med. mole percent
Mα [em] abbr.
abbr., phys. molecular rotary power
M% abbr.
chem. mole per cent
M3 [em] abbr.
abbr. Cubic Meter
μμm abbr.
abbr. micro-micrometre
M- abbr.
abbr. maxwell
ΔM abbr.
abbr., el. delta modulation
M Ω [em] abbr.
abbr., el. megaohm
abbr., genet. macrophage
M'. abbr.
abbr., lat. Manius (a common Roman forename)
μM abbr.
abbr., med. micromole
Mω [em] abbr.
abbr., phys. molecular magnetic rotary power
.M abbr.
IT text/plain
: 1333 phrases in 96 subjects
Air defense15
Animal husbandry6
Artificial intelligence6
Bridge construction4
Card games1
Company name1
Computer networks1
Corporate governance2
Cosmetics and cosmetology2
Desert science5
Earth sciences8
Electric machinery9
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal4
Hydroelectric power stations10
Ice hockey1
Information technology9
International Monetary Fund1
International trade11
Life sciences3
Molecular genetics1
Name of organization1
Oil / petroleum8
Project management7
Pulp and paper industry2
Rail transport3
Reproductive biology7
Rugby football2
Scuba diving8
Shooting sport57
Textile industry19
United Nations6
United States1
Water resources28
Wind Energy1
Wood processing3