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Loco citato ['lɔkəusɪ'tɑ:təu]
tech. 在上述引文中; 在已提到过的地方; 引证
loco citato ['lɔkəusɪ'tɑ:təu]
gen. 拉丁语上述引用文中
earth.sc. 上述引用文中; 上述的
 English thesaurus
Loco citato ['lɔkəusɪ'tɑ:təu]
abbr., tech. in the place cited
loco citato ['lɔkəusɪ'tɑ:təu]
abbr. loc. cit.
abbr., lat. loc. cit. (in the place cited Vosoni)
Loco Citato ['lɔkəusɪ'tɑ:təu]
abbr., relig., lat. l.c. ("quoted place"); Loc.Cit. ("quoted place")
Loco citato
: 2 phrases in 1 subject