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lu [lu:] n
desert. 【乌尔都语】 洛风 (热西风); 热尘风 (印度和巴基斯坦); 【乌尔都语】洛风 (热西风)
 English thesaurus
LU [lu:] abbr.
abbr. Log Unit; Long Unsigned; Line Unit; logic unit; London University
abbr., auto. lockup
abbr., avia. lock up; lubricate; lubrication
abbr., chem., scient. Lutetium
abbr., ed., scient. Learning Unit; Lehigh University; Liberty University
abbr., el. linewidth uniformity; low user
abbr., el., scient. Linear Up
abbr., immunol. lytic unit
abbr., IT Link Utilization; Look Up; logical unit
abbr., light. lighting unit (MichaelBurov); LF (MichaelBurov); lighting facility (MichaelBurov); LD (MichaelBurov); lighting device (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. laboratory unit
abbr., mil. Location Update; Logical Unit
abbr., mil., avia. launch and update
abbr., oil lease use (gas)
abbr., polit. Luxembourg
abbr., scottish Luxembourg (NATO country code)
abbr., st.exch. Lucent Technologies, Inc.
abbr., swiss. Lucern (сокр. кантон 'More)
mil. logistic unit
tech. livestock unit
tradem. Lundy
LUS abbr.
abbr. Lower United States; load, update, subset
Lu [lu:] abbr.
abbr. Lutetium
LUS abbr.
abbr., auto. lock-up solenoid
abbr., avia. Lusanga, Zaire
Lu [lu:] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. laumontite; ludwigite; lumen
LUS abbr.
abbr., ed. Lesser Used Skill
Lu [lu:] abbr.
abbr., genet. ulnar loop
LUS abbr.
abbr., med. lower uterine segment (harser)
Lu [lu:] abbr.
abbr., med. lung
LUS abbr.
abbr., mil. Lesser Used Skills
Lu [lu:] abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. lutecium
LUS abbr.
abbr., tradem. Lafayette Utilities System
Lu [lu:] n
energ.ind. losses unaccounted for
lu [lu:] abbr.
abbr. letter of undertaking; love you (baletnica)
lu. abbr.
abbr. lumen
LU [lu:] abbr.
abbr., busin. laid up; lying up
abbr., earth.sc. leucite
abbr., oil line up; list up; loading unit; long upper 1-2 window count rate; Luxemburg
abbr., phys. loudness unit
abbr., space load unit
abbr., textile leading underwriter
: 28 phrases in 8 subjects
Computer networks10
Information technology1
Oil / petroleum1
Textile industry4