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LRS abbr.
AI. LRS 专家系统一个关于法律概念的专家系统
comp.name. 英国劳埃德船级社
 English thesaurus
LRS abbr.
abbr. Light Rail System (MichaelBurov); Line Repeater Station; line repair station
abbr., auto. load response start; low reverse solenoid
abbr., avia. Leros, Greece; load range schedule; laser-gyro reference system; long range search; long range strike
abbr., BrE Lancers
abbr., cosmet. Lemperle Rating Scale (ННатальЯ)
abbr., earth.sc. land reclamation scheme; large river system; limited resources speciality; Litton Resources Systems
abbr., ed. Library Reference Service
abbr., el. lander radio subsystem; laser Raman scattering; laser raster scanner; laser reticle scanner; linguistic research system; littoral remote sensing; longitudinal redundancy shift
abbr., el., scient. Laser Raman Spectroscopy
abbr., energ.ind. last resort supplier (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Language Resource File; local resource sharing
abbr., lab.eq. Lot Release System
abbr., law Lawyer Referral Service
abbr., mar.law Lloyd's Register of Shipping (Ying)
abbr., med. Lateral Recess Syndrome; Leukocyte Reduction System (peuplier_8)
abbr., mil. Long Rage Special; Low-Resolution Scenarios; launch and recovery site
abbr., mil., air.def. laser radar scanner; light-weight radar set; longrange search; long-range surveillance
abbr., mil., avia. laser radiometer system
abbr., mil., WMD Life Cycle Reporting System
abbr., oil lateral re-entry system; light radiation sensor; Lloyd's Register of Shipping; long-range schedule
abbr., opt. laser Raman spectroscopy
abbr., polym. laser Raman spectra; laser Raman spectrum
abbr., railw. Laurinburg and Southern Railroad Co
abbr., refrig. London Refrigeration Society
abbr., scottish Launch and Recovery Shelter
abbr., semicond. long-range share
abbr., space laser ranging system; laser reflectance spectrometer; load relief system; long range schedule
abbr., tradem. Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc.
abbr., transp. Linear Referencing System
abbr., UN, cartogr. laser ranging service
energ.ind., abbr. liquid radwaste system; low resolution spectrometer
mil. laser rangefinder system
mil., abbr. light radiation censor; light repair section; lightweight radar set; log and reporting system; logistics requirements system; long-range search; long-range specialty
tech. level recording switch; low-resolution spectrometer
tech., abbr. liquid radioactive waste system
.LRS abbr.
file.ext. Language Resource (WordPerfect)
.lrs abbr.
file.ext. Language Resource (file name extension, WordPerfect)