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LPM abbr.
multimed. 行数/分钟 (lines per minute)
 English thesaurus
LPM abbr.
abbr. Launch and Parking Mode; Lines Per Minute; Liter Per Minute; Lunar Portable Magnetometer
abbr., anat. lateral pterygoid muscle (Игорь_2006)
abbr., avia. Lamap, Vanuatu; lines per minus; look per minute
abbr., el. laser particle monitor; laser precision microfabrication; light pulser matrix; linear programming model; line profile measurement; lumped parameter model
abbr., IT Library Of Parameterized Modules; Load Program Memory
abbr., Makarov. linear pulse motor
abbr., med. Lateral Pterygoid Muscle; Leverage And Parallelepiped Mechanism (computer-assisted Surgery); Liver Plasma Membrane; lateral plate mesoderm
abbr., mil. Loss Projection Model
abbr., mil., avia. large power module
abbr., physiol., med. Liters Per Minute
abbr., polym. liters per minute
abbr., tech. Low Pressure Molding (Andrey Truhachev)
energ.ind. loose parts monitoring; low-power mode
mil. liquid propulsion module
tech. licensing project manager
LPMS abbr.
abbr. Labour Protection Management System (Система управления охраной труда Филимонов)
abbr., el. laser probe mass spectrometry; laser pulse mass spectrometry; laser pulse mass spectroscopy
abbr., transp. Lock Performance Monitoring System
tech. loose parts monitoring system
LPm abbr.
abbr., soil. mollic leptosol
lpm n
automat. line per minute
LPM abbr.
abbr. library of parameterized module; longest prefix match
abbr., avia. landing path monitor; linearly polarized mode
abbr., busin. litres per minute
abbr., comp., net. longest prefix matching
abbr., earth.sc. landslip preventive measure; line pair per millimeter; line per millimeter; linear perturbation model
abbr., math. linear probability model (clck.ru dimock)
abbr., oil license personality module; lines per millimeter; loss prevention material; low-pressure mud; low-pressure manifold
polym. liters per minute (Alexander Demidov)
LPM: 1 phrase in 1 subject
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