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LCF abbr.
abbr. Lemur Conservation Foundation; Lincoln Community Foundation; Little City Foundation; longitudinal position of center of flotation; longitudinal centre of flotation; London Clay Flora
abbr., auto. last chance filter (translator911); light control film; low-coefficient-of-friction
abbr., avia. large cargo freighter; local currency fare; low cyclic fatigue
abbr., busin. local cost fund
abbr., earth.sc. layered calc-silicate facies
abbr., el. line common function; line concentration frame; liquid-core fiber; logical child first; logical control field; logic for computable functions
abbr., file.ext. Low Cost Fiber
abbr., hi-fi low cut filter (http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фильтр_верхних_частот Aiduza)
abbr., insur. loss conversion factor
abbr., IT Linker Control File; Low Class Foundation
abbr., med. Least Common Factor; Left Circumflex (coronary Artery); Lymphocyte Culture Fluid; lymphocyte chemotactic factor
abbr., mil. Landing Craft, Fire support
abbr., nautic. Longitudinal Center of Flotation (naval architecture su)
abbr., office.equip. Large Capacity Feeder (в принтере BabaikaFromPechka)
abbr., oil longitudinal center of flotation; lime, cement and flyash; local cycle fatigue; low-cut filter
abbr., relig. Laurier Christian Fellowship
abbr., scottish Large Core Fibre; Low Cycle Fatigue; Luchtverdedigingsen Commando Fregat (Frigate (Netherlands))
abbr., telecom. Log control function
abbr., transp. Local Control Facility; Low Cab Forward
comp. link connectivity factor
energ.ind. load coincidence factor
mil. landing craft, flak; launch control facility
tech. low-cycle fatigue
lcf abbr.
abbr. lowest common factor
IT least common factor