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IAT abbr.
abbr. Intake Air Temperature; International Atomic Time; Information Access Technology (Provider); Intelligence Augmentation Team; International Automatic Time
abbr., auto. intake air temperature
abbr., avia. inspection apply template; identification of accountable tool; inducted induction air temperature; International Association of Tourist Managers
abbr., busin. Individual Acceptance Tests
abbr., commer. Institute for Applied Technology
abbr., cosmet. injectable aesthetic treatment (ННатальЯ)
abbr., earth.sc. image annotation tape; island arc tholeiite
abbr., ed., scient. Implicit Association Test; Instructor Authorization Test
abbr., el. indexible address tag; interionic attraction theory; ion accelerator tube
abbr., file.ext. Import Address Table
abbr., IT Integrated Access Terminal
abbr., law Intervention Assistance Team
abbr., Makarov. International Atomic Time, TAI
abbr., med. Institute Of Animal Technology; International AIDS Trust; intraoperative autohemotransfusion; invasive activity test
abbr., mil. Initial Acceptance Test; Institute for Advanced Technology; Interoperability Action Team
abbr., oil indicator indicated air temperature
abbr., physiol., med. Intracarotid Amobarbital Test
abbr., qual.cont. individual acceptance test
abbr., railw. Instantaneous Application Time
abbr., scottish Induction Air Temperature; Institute of Advanced Technology (USA); International Aerospace Technologies, Dr (Baumeister KG (Germany))
abbr., transp. Inter Arrival Time; Internal Air Transport
abbr., vet.med., med. Institute of Animal Technology
mil. individual acceptance tests
tech. indicated air temperature; information assessment team; inside air temperature; integrated avionics test
IAT: 1 phrase in 1 subject