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gen. …国; …属植物; ; …病; 构成以
proj.manag. 国际会计标准
| enabled
agric. 允许的; 起动的; 启动的
| information technology product
 information technology products
el. 信息技术产品

noun | abbreviation | noun | to phrases
proj.manag. 国际会计标准
-ia abbr.
gen. …国〔地区〕; …属植物; 动物学上某些分类的; …病〔症〕; 构成以
Ia abbr.
dermat. 抗体
 English thesaurus
IA abbr.
abbr. international Angström
abbr., avia. inactive aircraft; inertial altitude; inertial autopilot; information adaption; inventory accounting; inspection authorization; installation approval; intelligent agent; intermediate altitude; internal authentication; international airport; interstage assembly; independent assessment
abbr., busin. inactive account; industrial aid; incorporated accountant; intangible assets
abbr., earth.sc. imagery analysis; impervious area; index of association; initial abstraction; integrated assessment; island arcs; natural isotopic abundance
abbr., exhib. independent action
abbr., IT identity association; information appliance; information architecture; international alphabet; indirect address
abbr., math. independent angle
abbr., met. isothermal anneal
abbr., oil image analyzer; impure arkose; income account; indirect action; inflating agent; informative abstract; inorganic acid; input area; input axis; Instrument Abstracts; interfacial adhesion; intermolecular attraction; international arbitration; intrinsic abrasion; iodine affinity; isothermal annealing; natural isotopic abundance; isotopic assignment
abbr., space imagery analysts; input axis of gyro; interagency agreement
abbr., sport. intelligence age
abbr., textile incorporated account
IUMS abbr.
abbr., med. International Union Of Microbiological Societies
IA abbr.
abbr. Interlingua; Identification and Authentication; Inborn Attributes; Information Archaeologist
abbr., account. indexation allowance; initial allowance (Ying)
abbr., AI. Image Analysis
abbr., anim.husb. Institute of Apiculture (China)
abbr., auto. intake air
abbr., avia. inseparable assembly; inspection administration; instrument approach; interim assembly; internal audits; interrupt alert
abbr., biol. immunoassay
abbr., BrE Inspector of Armours; instructor of artillery
abbr., comp., net. indirect addressing; integrated adapter
abbr., drw. intersecting angle
abbr., EBRD Internal Audit
abbr., ed. instructional assistant (twinkie)
abbr., el. Intel architecture; image array; incoming access; induced absorption; information analysis; information appliances; initial approach; intelligence agent; intelligence appliance; interactive access; interactive advertising; interface amplifier; interferometer antenna; interframe analysis; internal architecture; Internet address; intraframe analysis; isolated amplifier; isothermal annealing; issue analyzer
abbr., electr.eng. impedance angle
abbr., fin. Investment Account
abbr., inet. I Agree
abbr., IT Information Access; instruction address; Immediate Access; Interaction Analysis
abbr., law Internal Affairs
abbr., libr. information anxiety
abbr., med. Endometrial Carcinoma In Situ, Length Of Uterine Cavity Less Than 8 Cm (International Federation Of Gynecologists And Obstetricians (FIGO) Classification); Immune Response Gene-associated Antigen; Indole Acetic Acid; invasive aspergillosis (Игорь_2006); intraarterial; Insertional activity (ЭМГ Natalya Rovina); intra-articular (iwona); immune adherence (test, test); interaural attenuation; internal auditory; intra-aortic; isonicotinic acid
abbr., med.appl. inspiratory assist (ИВЛ harser)
abbr., mil. imagery analyst; implementing arrangement; individual augmentee; information assurance
abbr., mil., air.def. integrated area; intelligence annex; information and action; information attack
abbr., mil., avia. illumination angle
abbr., mil., WMD Installation assessment
abbr., nano intelligence amplification (ssn)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Isolation Authority
abbr., O&G, sakh. Interim agreement
abbr., org.chem. isophthalic acid (igisheva)
abbr., physiol. Intra-Arterial
abbr., post Insufficient address (return to sender)
abbr., scottish Indian Army; Iowa (US state)
abbr., UN inspection area
Apollo-Soyuz, abbr. integrating accelerometer
energ.ind., abbr. implementation agreement; industrial application; integrated approach
mil. immediately available
mil., abbr. identical additional; immediate action; impact area; implementing agency; infected area; infrared, active; initial appearance; initial authorization; intelligence analysis; interallied; intercept arm; issuing agency
O&G, abbr. instrument air; integral time calculation value
railw., abbr. instruction car
tech. interface adapter
tech., abbr. image amplifier; implementation assistant; incremental analysis; industry application; infra-audible; infra-audible sound; insertion approval; instrumentation amplifier; interceptor arm; international angstrom; inverter assembly; ionosonde antenna; isolation amplifier
tech., avia., transp. indicated altitude
Ia abbr.
abbr. Iowa
abbr., med. immune region associated antigen
Ia. abbr.
abbr. Indiana; Iowa
USA Iowa Reports
IA: 30 phrases in 13 subjects
Earth sciences1
International trade1