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Hg abbr.
plast. ; 水银
 English thesaurus
Hg abbr.
abbr. hemoglobin (Vosoni); hydrargyrum (сокращенное обозначение химического элемента - ртути. Leonid Dzhepko); mercury, highly toxic, irritant; Mercury; hydrargyrum (mercury)
abbr., med. mercury
abbr., mil., avia. hydrargyrum, mercury
abbr., oil mercury pressure
energ.ind. enthalpy of saturated steam
insur. Pressure
Hg. abbr.
abbr., chem. hemoglobin
energ.ind. enthalpy of steam at saturation
HG abbr.
abbr. He Girls; Helicopter Guy; Home Gateway; Horse Gate; House Guest; Huge Grain; Hunting And Gathering; harden and grind; Headed & Gutted (о рыбе 64$?); Heartland Gamers; His Grace; Honorary Girl; Horizon Grow; Hot Guy; Hot Guys
abbr., agric. high gain
abbr., agrochem. heat conductivity; hydraulic conductivity
abbr., avia. heading gyro; hole gauge
abbr., avia., med. hypergravity
abbr., biochem. homogalacturonan (igisheva)
abbr., BrE Home Guard; Horse Guards
abbr., busin. hectogramme; hydrargyrum
abbr., chem., scient. Mercury
abbr., dentist. headgear (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. heavy grain; hydraulic gradient; hydride generation
abbr., el. high gradient; holographic grating; horizontal gyro; hunt group; hybridization gap
abbr., el., scient. Hardware Gain
abbr., inet. Hey Guys
abbr., med. hyperemesis gravidarum (markovka); Heart Governor (второе название меридиана перикарда inspirado); human genetics; hypoglycemia
abbr., media. Home And Garden
abbr., mil. High Grade; High Ground; Hunting Grounds
abbr., mil., WMD horizontal geometry
abbr., nano hierarchic graph
abbr., oil hard gypsum; hardground; helical gear; high gear; hornblende gabbro; hydrocarbon globule; hydrostatic gradient; hydroxypropyl guar
abbr., pharm. hydroxyguanidine
abbr., scient. Human Geography
abbr., telecom. head-gear receiver
abbr., tradem. Hunan Garden
comp. hypergroup
gas.proc. hydrogenation
mil. hand generator; hand grenade; homing guidance
tech. H-guide; harmonic generator; head gear receiver; holographic goggles; hydrogen gas; hyperbolic guidance
TV hall generator
hg abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. hectogram (me)
O&G gross thickness; net thickness of gas zone
tech. hectogram (translator911)
hg. abbr.
abbr., tech. hectogram
polym. high-grade
hG abbr.
energ.ind. flue gas enthalpy (ambient temperature)
: 13 phrases in 8 subjects
Earth sciences1
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