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Gl abbr.
abbr. glacier; gulch; Gibraltar; glitch (в названиях дорог в горных районах, такое же, как Rd, Ave, St и т.д. LisLoki); glucinium
abbr., earth.sc. galenite; glaucophane
abbr., med. beryllium
abbr., oil gehlenite; Globigerina; glomeroporphyritic; grossularite; glassy
Gl. abbr.
abbr. glowing
abbr., earth.sc. glacier
lat. Gloria ("glory to God")
GL abbr.
abbr. Galician; Gary Lee; Gasoline Leech; Gassed Lungs; Gauge Length; Gear Lube; Gear Lubricant; General Ledger; General Libraries; General License; General Linear; General Lingware; Generic List; Genetic Latch; Genuine Leather; Geographic Location; George Lambert; Get Lucky; Giant Loser; Ginzburg Landau; Girls Life; Global Layer; Global LInks; Global Long; Glycemic Load; Glycemic Loading; God Like; Good Lookin; Good Looking; Good Lord; Good Lovin; Good Luck; Government And Laws; Germantown Laboratory; government labratories; Government Laboratory; Grade Level; grade line; Graeco Latin; Grand Line; Grand Luxe; Grand Luxury; Granularity Level; Graphic Language; Graphic Library; Graphics Language; Graphics Library; Grasp Library; Great Lakes; Great Lakes Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc.; Great Looking; Green Lantern; Green Lettuce; green light; green liquor (aivanov); Green Luminescence; Gross Loss; Ground Light; Guest Lecturer; Guiding Light; Gun Lord
abbr., auto. Grand LuxuriousLuxury
abbr., automat. grinding line
abbr., avia. general layout; geocentric latitude; geodetic latitude; geodetic longitude; geographic latitude; glue line; grip length; gust loads
abbr., busin. glaze
abbr., commer. Germanischer Lloyd
abbr., construct. geomembrane liner (MichaelBurov)
abbr., corp.gov. general ledger
abbr., earth.sc. gage length; galena; generalized logistic distribution; Geophysics Laboratory; glaciation level; globigerina ooze; guide levels
abbr., el. gain-length product; gate lead; genlock; Ginsburg-Landau theory; glue logic; gold laser; ground launched; group length; guiding layer
abbr., file.ext. Animation (GRASP - GRAphical System for Presentation format); Animation format (Vosoni); Script (GALink)
abbr., food.serv. guideline level
abbr., IT Generation Language
abbr., jarg. Government Issue
abbr., med. Glycoprotein L; glabellar line (iwona); General Medical Laboratory; greatest length; Gumbo Limbo
abbr., mil. government-leased
abbr., mil., air.def. garble; gun laying (radar)
abbr., O&G gas lift (MichaelBurov); gas-lift (MichaelBurov); gaslift (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil gathering line; guideline; initial condensate liquids in reservoir; gas lift; gear layout; general list; get level; glauconite; ground lamp; ground limestone; ground line; guard log
abbr., polit. Greenland
abbr., soil. gleysol
abbr., swiss. Glarus (сокр. немецкоязычный кантон на востоке Швейцарии. Столица — город Гларус. 'More)
abbr., textile gross load
energ.ind. Government liasion; graphical language
mil. gas laser; grenade launcher; ground level; ground location; guide list; gun layer; gun laying; gun-laying
tech. Berillium; generic letter; geosynchronous laser; Glucinum; Government liaison; grid leak; ground loop; gun-laying radar
unit.meas. Gallon
gl abbr.
abbr. glider; gloss; glossary; gun license
abbr., earth.sc. glacial deposit
abbr., genet. glued eye
abbr., med. gland
hydrol. gallon an.
mining. gill
O&G glassy
polym. glass
gl. abbr.
abbr. glazing; gloss; glossary
abbr., earth.sc. glass
construct. glaze
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects