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noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
gam [gæm] n
gen. 鲸鱼结聚成群; 社交访问; 交际; ; 女人漂亮的腿
gam [gæm] adj.
gen. 像鲸鱼一样成群结集; 社交; 访问; 联欢
anim.husb. 鲸群; 聚集成群; 后腿
gam- adj.
gen. ; 两性结合; 雌雄合体
repr.biol. 婚配; 两性交合
GAM [gæm] abbr.
sport. 冈比亚 (National Olympic Committee)
 English thesaurus
GAMS abbr.
abbr., el. general algebraic modeling system (software)
abbr., mil., avia. General Airline Management Simulation
tech. gamma spectrometer
GAM [gæm] abbr.
abbr., avia. guided antiaircraft missile; generalized aerodynamic model
abbr., el. general analytic multiplier; GPS-assisted munition; graphics access method
abbr., mil., air.def. ground-to-air missile (now sam)
abbr., stat. generalised additive model
Gam [gæm] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Gambia
abbr., oil gamut
gam. abbr.
abbr., phys. gamut
Gam. adj.
geogr. Gambia (Vosoni)
GAM [gæm] abbr.
abbr. General American Investments, Inc.; Global Acute Malnutrition (Дюнан); Group Annuity Mortality; global acute malnutrition
abbr., automat. generic action model; generic activity model
abbr., fr., space Groupe d'Activation du Moteur Vulcain
abbr., immigr. Globaal Forum omtrent Migratie en Ontwikkeling; Fóram Domhanda maidir le hImirce agus Forbairt; Forum Globale su Migrazione e Sviluppo; Pasaulinis migracijos ir vystymosi forumas; Globalt forum for migrasjon og utvikling; Globalni forum o migraciji in razvoju
abbr., IT graphic access method
abbr., math. Generalized Additive Model
abbr., mil., avia. general aeronautical materiel
abbr., nautic., scient. Groundwater Availability Modeling
abbr., oil gravity anomaly map
abbr., scottish GPS-Aided Munitions
abbr., sport. General Aeronautical Material
abbr., textile guaranteed annual minimum
mil., abbr. general aeronautical material; guided aircraft missile
mil., UN ground-to-air missile
tech. gamma
GAM: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Animal husbandry3
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal1