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Food Chain
 food chain
anim.husb. 食物循环
ecol. 食物网
environ. 食物链
fishery 食物链
| Crisis
agric. 危急关头
busin. 经济危机
econ. 转折点; 恐慌
| Intelligence and Coordination Unit
 Intelligence and Coordination Unit
org.name. 情报及协调组

to phrases
food chain ['fu:dʧeɪn]
anim.husb. 食物循环
ecol. 食物网
fishery 食物链
refrig. 食品链
food chain A sequence of organisms on successive trophic levels within a community, through which energy is transferred by feeding; energy enters the food chain during fixation by primary producers (mainly green plants) and passes to the herbivores (primary consumers) and then to the carnivores (secondary and tertiary consumers) ['fu:dʧeɪn]
environ. 食物链 (生物社区内同一营养级别上的一系列有机体,能量通过捕食的形式传递:能量通过主要生产者(主要是绿色植物)的固定进入食物链,然后传递到草食动物(主要消费者),然后传递到肉食动物(二级和三级消费者)。)
Food Chain: 36 phrases in 12 subjects
Animal husbandry2
Desert science4
Food industry1
Food service and catering2
Name of organization5
Oil / petroleum2
Security systems1
Textile industry1