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fin. 富时指数
| Hang Seng
 Hang Seng
econ. 恒生
Asiatop | Index
el. meas.inst. 指示器
met. 标志; 符号; 指针
sport. 指标

to phrases
FTSE abbr.
fin. 富时指数
proj.manag. 金融时报股票交易所指数
 English thesaurus
FTSE abbr.
abbr. Financial Times/ Stock Exchange share index; Full Time Student Equivalent; fuel-to-steam efficiency (Millie); joint venture of Financial Times and London Stock Exchange; Financial Times Stock Exchang
abbr., econ. Financial Times Stock Index (Vosoni)
abbr., fin. FTSE International Limited
abbr., inet. Full Time Student Equivalency
abbr., securit. Financial Time Stock Exchange
abbr., st.exch. Financial Times Stock Exchange
FTSE/Hang Seng Asiatop Index
: 60 phrases in 3 subjects
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