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EVA ['i:və] n
chem. 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物
plast. 乙烯-乙酸乙烯酯共聚物
proj.manag. 经济增值
 English thesaurus
EVA ['i:və] abbr.
abbr. Earned Value Award; Economic Value Added; Emotionally Viable Aardvarks; Express Value Account; Extra Value Added; Extra Vehicular Activity; economic value added (Alexander Matytsin); ExtraVehicular Activity (Space); economic value-added
abbr., anim.husb. energy of voluntary activity; English Vineyard Association
abbr., auto. electromagnetic valve actuation; electronic vibration analyzer
abbr., avia. electric velocity analyzer
abbr., avia., med. extravehicular activity; extravehicular astronaut
abbr., comp., net., IT Enterprise Value Added
abbr., el. electrically variable aperture; error volume analysis; extra-vehicle activities
abbr., electr.eng. early valve adjustment
abbr., IT Electronic Video Agent; Economic value add; Economy Value Added
abbr., law Emergency Vehicle Alert; Emergency Voice Activation
abbr., med. Equine Veterinarians Australia
abbr., media. European Visual Archive
abbr., mil. Enhanced Visual Apparatus
abbr., mil., avia. effective vane angle
abbr., oil evaluation of velocity and attenuation
abbr., physiol., med. Equine Viral Arteritis
abbr., plast. Ethylene Vinyl Acetate; Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Copolymer
abbr., polym. ethylene vinyl acetate (MichaelBurov); ethylene vinylacetate (MichaelBurov); ethylenevinyl acetate (MichaelBurov); ethylenevinylacetate (MichaelBurov); ethylene vinylacetate copolymer; evolved gas analysis
abbr., scottish Extra-Vehicular Activity
abbr., sport. Event Venue Or Activity
abbr., tech. earned value analysis (YuriDDD)
abbr., transp. Electrical Vehicle Association
abbr., vet.med., med. Employed Veterinarians Association
econ. Economic Value Added (Economic value added, generally abbreviated as EVA, is a way to measure the economic profit of a company or project. EVA is calculated by taking net operating profit minus a finance charge. 'More)
mil. electronic velocity analyzer
tech. early valve actuation; electronic vocal analog; elevation versus amplitude
eva ['i:və] n
gen. ever (сокращение kotty)
EVA ['i:və] abbr.
abbr. ethylene-vinylacetate copolymer; evolved-gas analysis
abbr., busin. evaluation
abbr., earth.sc. ethyl violet azide; extreme value analysis
abbr., oil ethylene-vinyl acetate (copolymer); ethylene-vinyl acetate resin
abbr., space ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer; extravehicular activity support
: 13 phrases in 5 subjects
Oil / petroleum1
Textile industry3