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EFA abbr.
chem. 必需脂肪酸
 English thesaurus
EFA abbr.
abbr. Education Finance Act; Empire Forestry Association
abbr., avia. engineering failure analysis; engineering flight activity; experimental flight applications
abbr., cinema Except For Adults
abbr., commer. Engineering Field Activity
abbr., earth.sc. East African Academy (Kenya); environmental financing authority
abbr., el. effective-field approximation; electronic fuze antenna; erbium-doped fiber amplifier
abbr., energ.ind. Energy Financing Agency (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Extended File Attribute
abbr., fin. Education for All
abbr., immunol. enhancing factor of allergy
abbr., IT External Feature Access; extended field attribute
abbr., med. Epilepsy Foundation Of America; Extrafamily Adoptee
abbr., mil. engineering field activity
abbr., mil., air.def. Europe fighter airplane
abbr., NATO European Fighter Aircraft
abbr., nucl.pow. experimental fuel assembly (MichaelBurov); experimental fuel pin assembly (MichaelBurov); experimental fuel rod assembly (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Enterprise Framework Agreement (Sakhalin Energy Matvey Yegorov)
abbr., oil essential fatty acids
abbr., org.name. European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Association
abbr., scottish Engin de Franchissement de l'Avant (Forward bridging system (France))
abbr., sport. Equestrian Federation Of Australia
abbr., sport., med. essential fatty acid
abbr., telecom. external function acknowledge (kotechek)
abbr., UN, AIDS. Education For All
energ.ind. emergency feedwater actuation
energ.ind., abbr. economic framework analysis
mil., abbr. European fighter aircraft