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EBW abbr.
expl. 起爆桥丝雷管一种使用起爆桥丝而不是发火药的电雷管。起爆桥丝雷管可以做到一触即发; 爆炸桥丝电雷管电桥为能在高功率强脉冲电流作用下迅速气化而产生物理爆炸效应的金属丝的电雷管
 English thesaurus
EBW abbr.
abbr. Empty Body Weight
abbr., avia. Ebolowa, Republic Of Cameroon; effective band width; entropy-based warfare
abbr., el. electrooptic branching waveguide
abbr., electr.eng. electron-beam welding
abbr., expl. exploding bridgewire detonator
abbr., oil effective bit-weight
abbr., scottish Electron Beam Welding
abbr., space exploding bridge wire
abbr., weld. electron beam welding (Natalya Rovina)
mil. engineer base workshop; exploding bridge-wire
tech. effective bandwidth; electrical bridge wire
EBW: 1 phrase in 1 subject