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Dep abbr.
anim.husb. 纯化的; 精制的
 English thesaurus
dep n
law deposition (colloquial abbr. - the process of giving sworn evidence Val_Ships)
Dep abbr.
abbr. danger area; declination; degree; depth; destroyed; diameter; disputed (area); double; doubtful
abbr., busin. Dir deputy director
abbr., el. deposition
Dep. abbr.
abbr. department; depot
abbr., commer. depart; depositor
DEP abbr.
abbr. Data Entry People; Dead End Products; Department of Environmental Pollution; Department Of Environmental Protection; Doggy Eels Project; Doing Everything Possible; Defense Estimate for Production; deflection error probable; Department of Employment and Productivity; Design Eye Position (Расчетное положение глаз пилота. In the design of human-machine user interfaces (HMIs or UIs), the Design Eye Position (DEP) is the position from which the user is intended to view the workstation for an optimal view of the visual interface. The Design Eye Position represents the ideal but notional location of the operator's view and is usually expressed as a monocular point mid-way between the pupils of the average user. Bogdan_Demeshko); shipment departed (Yuriy83); diethylpropanediol
abbr., anim.husb. diluting end point
abbr., avia. data entry plug (Interex); departure point; design eye position; depressurize
abbr., biol. diethyl pyrocarbonate
abbr., BrE domestic emergency plan
abbr., busin. dependants; dependency; depilatory; depositary
abbr., chem. O,O-dimethyl-2, 2,2-trichloro-1-hydroxy-ethyl phosphate
abbr., comp., MS DEP (" A security feature that monitors programs on a computer to determine if they use system memory safely. To do this, DEP software works alone or with compatible microprocessors to mark some memory locations as "non-executable." If a program tries to run code that is malicious or is not from a protected location, DEP closes the program and notifies you.")
abbr., data.prot. Data Execution Prevention (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., earth.sc. Department of Environment and PlanningNSW; dielectric profiling
abbr., econ. allowed depreciation rate (% MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed. Differentiated Education Plan
abbr., ed., scient. Distinguished Experts Panel
abbr., environ. Deplorable Environmental Policies
abbr., inet. Don't Even Pray
abbr., IT Data Execution Prevention
abbr., law Department for Execution of Punishments (Nailya)
abbr., med. IARC Unit Of Descriptive Epidemiology; diethylpyrocarbonate
abbr., mil. Delayed Entry Program; Don't Expect Protection; deployed
abbr., mil., avia. data exchange program
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Design and Engineering Practices-Shell group; Shell Design Engineering Practice
abbr., O&G, sakh. Design and engineering practice; design and engineering practices; Design Engineering Practice (Shell)
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. design engineering practice
abbr., oil Design Engineering Practices; Design Engineering Procedures; deflection probable error; Department of Energy Planning; diversified engineering package
abbr., polym. diethyl phthalate
abbr., progr. data execution prevention (ssn)
abbr., scottish BV Delft Electronische Producten (Netherlands); Design Engineering Programme
abbr., sec.sys. data encryption processor
abbr., textile diglycidyl ether of polyethyleneglycol
abbr., tradem. Duurzame Energieproductie Pluimveehouderij
abbr., water.suppl. Division of Environmental Protection (DCNR)
meteorol. departure message
mil. data entry panel; defense electronics products; deflection error, probable; delayed enlistment program; Deployed; draft equipment publication
tech. 2,4-dichlorophenoxyethyl phosphite; data exchange program; defense electronic products; dense electronic population; design external pressure; diagnostic evaluation plan; diagnostic evaluation program; dry etching process
dep abbr.
abbr. depart; department; departure; dependent; deployment; deposit; depot; deputy; depreciation (r)
abbr., med. dependence
abbr., med., lat. depuratus
abbr., oil deponent; deposed; depositor
chem. direct exposure probe (baloff)
O&G depreciation
dep. abbr.
abbr. deposed; deposit; departure; depilation; depilatory; depreciation
abbr., earth.sc. dependency
abbr., econ. deputy
DEP. abbr.
abbr., lat. Depositus ("laid to rest")
: 15 phrases in 6 subjects
Wind Energy1