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DSE abbr.
abbr. Dry Sheep Equivalent; Daily Satellite East; Data Structure Editor; Data Switching Equipment; Directorate of System Engineering; Directorate of Systems Engineering; Distributed Systems Environment (Honeywell, Bull); Division Support Element; distal sequence element
abbr., auto. dynamic safety engineering
abbr., automat. data set extension
abbr., avia. Dessie, Ethiopia; Display Site Equipment; defense support equipment; digital switching equipment; division of solar energy
abbr., busin. Doctor of Science in Economics
abbr., comp., net. data switching exchange; Distributed Single-Layer Embedded; distributed system environment
abbr., earth.sc. data system engineering
abbr., el. data server element; digital selector emitter; digital special effects; digital switching element; direct stepping exposure; distributed systems environment; droplet surface etching; dynamic scattering effect
abbr., environ. Department of Sustainability and Environment
abbr., fin. Dar-er-Salaam Stock Exchange
abbr., food.ind. dry starch equivalent (Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., IT distributed software engineering (igisheva)
abbr., Makarov. double-skeleton electrode
abbr., med. Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography; Doctor Of Sanitary Engineering; dobutamine stress echocardiography (Игорь_2006)
abbr., med.appl. digital subtraction echography
abbr., media. Domestic Satellite Earth station
abbr., mil. DTOC Support Element
abbr., OHS display screen equipment (Kugelblitz)
abbr., org.name. German Foundation for International Development
abbr., physiol., med. Dry Eye Syndrome
abbr., progr. data strobe encoding (ssn); data systems engineering (ssn); distributed systems engineering (ssn); distributed systems environment (ssn)
abbr., scottish Data System Experiment (USA); Developmental Supportability Engineering
abbr., shipb. data storage system
abbr., space directionally solidified eutectic alloys; dynamic synthetic environments
abbr., st.exch. Dhaka Stock Exchange
abbr., telecom. distributed single layer embedded test method
abbr., tradem. Decaluwe Systems Engineering; Dick Smith Electronics
comp. data-switching exchange
energ.ind. dust stabilization enhancement
mil. data storage equipment; data systems engineering; development support equipment; direct support element; direct support equipment
tech. digital shaft encoder; draft safety evaluation; dynamic system electronics