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DCPA abbr.
agric. 敌草索除草剂,C₁₀H₆Cl₄O₄
chem. 敌稗; 四氯对苯二甲酸二甲酯
 English thesaurus
DCPA abbr.
abbr. Denver Center for the Performing Arts; anhydrous dicalcium phosphate; dichloropropionylanilide; dicalcium phosphate, anhydrous; Chlorthal-dime-thyl
abbr., chem. N-3,4-dichlorophenyl propionamide; chlorthal methyl
abbr., el. distributed call processing architecture; drive control power amplifier
abbr., med. dimethyl-1,2,3,5,6-tetrachloroterephthalate; phenoxildichlorophenoxyaceticacid
abbr., mil. Defense Civil Preparedness Agency
abbr., monk. Dutchess County Pistol Association
abbr., nautic. Distance to the Closest Point of Approach (tay)
abbr., police Devon and Cornwall Police Authority
abbr., progr., IT Data Capture and Processing Application
tech. 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; direct current power amplifier; driver control power amplifier