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corp.gov. 等级
IT ; 类 别; 分类 ,种类; 类程
math. 组,类
met. 分类; ; 分级
tech. 类型,种类
| F
nautic. econ. 捕捞死亡率
| airspace
wind. 大气层
| of
| defined
busin. 明确的
| dimensions
manag. 尺寸
| above
wind. 在……之上
| the
| land areas
 land area
geogr. 陆域
| or
gen. 或是
| territorial waters
 territorial waters
hydroel.st. 领海
| within
gen. 不出
| which
econ. …的那个
| the
| flight
met. 刮板
| of
| aircraft
environ. 航空器
| is
hydroel.st. 印度标准
| restricted in
 restricted in
gen. M M上受到限制
| accordance with
 accordance with
archit. 按照
| certain
gen. 确定的
| specified conditions
 specified conditions
refrig. 额定参数
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
class [klɑ:s] n
gen. 阶层; 阶级; ; ; ; ; ; ; 一节
commer. 类另
econ. 商品、账目的 类别; 货船、收费的等级
fenc. 运动员分组
class [klɑ:s] v
gen. 把…分类级,等;
archit. 分类级,等
expl. 把…分等级
class [klɑ:s] adj.
gen. ; 类型; 粒度
anim.husb. ; 生物; 分类
biotechn. 种类 (classis)
bridg.constr. 标号
busin. 船级
chess.term. 级别
desert. 群纲 (法瑞学派群落分类系统的第2级,命名时在植物属名或种加词加词尾-etea)
earth.sc. 晶族
el. ;
expl. 极好的
fenc. 重量级
geol. 生物分类单位; 生物分类单位
IT ; 类[级]别; 分类[级],种类; 类程
manag. ; 种类; 类目; 把……分类
math. 组,类
met. 分类; ; 分级; 品种
radio.amat. 等级
shipb. 把…分类或分等级
space 定等级
sport. 类别; 水平
tech. 类型,种类; 等级; 品类
textile ; 等级危险分类; 班级; 品级
class staff [klɑ:s] adj.
corp.gov. 等级 职员
 English thesaurus
CLAS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Committee on Laser Atmospheric Studies
abbr., IT continuous acquisition and life-cycle support
class [klɑ:s] abbr.
abbr., polym. cl
invest., abbr. cl.
mil., abbr. cls
CLASS [klɑ:s] abbr.
abbr. Christian Leaders And Speakers Seminar; Committee For Law Abiding State Senators; Centralized Local Area Selective Signaling; Custom Local-Area Signaling Services
abbr., auto. compressible liquid adaptive suspension system
abbr., commun. custom local area signalling service
abbr., ed. Clustered Learning For Academic Student Success; Connected Learning Assures Student Success; Connected Learning Assures Students Success; Connecting Learning And Accountability For Students And Schools; Connecting Learning Assures Successful Students
abbr., el. customer local area signaling service; customer local area signaling system; customer local area special service; customized local access signaling service
abbr., file.ext. Client Access to Systems and Services; Cooperative Library Agency for Systems and Services; Java bytecode (compiled class - application)
abbr., IT Cell Level Atm Services Simulator; Custom Local Area Signaling Services; Java bytecode
abbr., meteorol. Clinical Anatomy Interactive Lesson
abbr., mil. Closed Loop Artillery Simulation System
abbr., mil., avia. cargo/logistics airlift systems study
abbr., nautic., scient. cross-chain LORAN atmospheric sounding system
abbr., post Computerized Labeling and Address Sequence System
abbr., relig. Christian Leaders Authors Speakers Services
abbr., scottish Chameleonic Light Altering Simulated System (US Army); Closed-Loop Artillery Simulation System; Coherent Laser radar Airborne Shear Sensor; Computing, Laser-Aided, Sight System
abbr., tel. Custom Local Area Signaling Service
comp. comprehensive satellite link simulation package
mil. Close Air Support System
tech. classified
class. abbr.
abbr. classification
abbr., commer. classified
abbr., libr. classic; classical
Class [klɑ:s] abbr.
abbr. Classification/Classified
.CLASS adj.
IT application/octet-stream
CLASS [klɑ:s] abbr.
abbr., busin. classification; classify
abbr., earth.sc. capacity loading and schedule system; coherent lidar airborne shear sensor; Cross-Crosschain Loran Atmospheric Sounding System (NCAR)
abbr., oil central leg anchor separation system; clay analysis & shaly sand evaluation
abbr., space carrier landing aid stabilization system; communications link analysis and simulation system
Class F airspace: 2 phrases in 1 subject