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Central Asia
desert. 中央亚细亚 (主要包括中国西北和蒙古。西方地理学家把亚洲腹地统称作中央亚细亚,其中包括中亚 (Middle Asia) 和伊朗高原)
environ. 中亚细亚
central Asia
geogr. 中亚
Central Asia A geographic region of the Asian continent between the Caspian Sea on the west and China on the east, extending northward into the central region of Russia and southward to the northern borders of Iran and Afghanistan, and comprised of independent former republics of the Soviet Union, including Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
environ. 地名 亚细亚洲 中亚 (一地理区域的亚洲大陆间西接里海,东临中国,向北延伸到俄罗斯的中部地区,向南延伸到伊朗和阿富汗的北部边界,由独立的前苏联国家包括哈萨克斯坦,乌兹别克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦组成。)
Central Asia: 30 phrases in 10 subjects
Animal husbandry3
Desert science2
Earth sciences2
International Monetary Fund4
Name of organization8
United Nations6