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CSM abbr.
expl. 中国力学学会
 English thesaurus
CSM abbr.
abbr. cation-selective membrane; chopped strand mat; Corporate Sustainability Management; Christian Science Monitor; concrete storage module (4uzhoj); corn-soya-milk; communications system management; Counter-Strike Mapping (Skaarj); close-air-support mission; Commission for Synoptic Meteorology
abbr., anim.husb. cottonseed meal; cotton seed meal
abbr., astronaut. climate system monitoring (WMO); Communication Satellite Monitoring (мониторинг спутников связи Шандор); Conjunction Summary Message (semfromshire)
abbr., auto. central security module
abbr., avia. Computer Software Manual (Interex); Area Control Centre Shift Manager; Centre Shift Manager; Shift Manager – ACC; constant speed motor (Interex); cabin system module; cabin service/management system; cabin service module; close-support mission; command and service module; command support module; computerize station management system; cruise stealth missile
abbr., BrE company sergeant-major
abbr., chem., scient. Control Strip Module
abbr., commun. Ceiling Speed Monitoring; Centralized Signal Monitoring; Ceiling Speed Monitor; Centralized Signaling Monitoring
abbr., comp., net. central service module
abbr., comp., net., IT Call Switching Module
abbr., construct. cutter soil mix (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. CICAR survey months; climate system monitoring program (WCDP); coal-seam methane; cohesive strength meter; Colorado School of Mines; camborne school of mines; computer sedimentation model; continental shelf sea model; continuous sampler-monitor
abbr., ed., scient. Christian Student Movement; College Of San Mateo
abbr., el. command and service module; call segment model; call set-up message; call supervision message; cell station modem; centralized system management; central subscriber multiplex; charge sheet model; chaise simulation method; Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Pte Ltd.; chemically sensitive membrane; clock supply module; coaxial switching matrix; collector self-modulation; communication scanner memory (card); communications services manager; communications system monitoring; compact surface mounter line; composite signal mixer; compressed system manager; confocal scan module; continuous system modeling; control system monitor; crosspoint switching matrix; cross-sectional model; customer service manager; customer service module
abbr., energ.syst. Capacity Support Mechanism (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Borland C++ 4.5 Precompiled header; Code Set Map (file)
abbr., genet. diallel selective mating system
abbr., geol., scient. Certified Survey Map
abbr., health. Committee on Safety of Medicines (Игорь_2006)
abbr., inet. Cigarette Smoking Man
abbr., IT Central Services Module; Content Storage Management
abbr., Makarov. cement stabilized minestone; command and service module
abbr., med. Canadian Society Of Microbiologists; Committee On Safety Of Medicines; Committee of Safety of Medicines; com-soy milk; mixture of cornflour, soyas and skimmed milk
abbr., met. Chinese Society for Metals; computerized sheet mill
abbr., microsc. confocal scanning microscope (MichaelBurov); confocal scanning microscopy (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil. Command Sergeant Major; Compartmented Security Mode
abbr., mil., avia. close support missile
abbr., mil., WMD Chemical surety materiel
abbr., nautic., scient. Climate System Monitoring
abbr., nurs. Circulation, Sensation, and Movement
abbr., O&G, sakh. Center for Standardization and Metrology
abbr., oil consolidated supply management; cement-sand-molasses; coherent stratigraphic model; combustion stabilization controller; Commission on Small Molecules; complex spectral magnitude; comprehensive system model; computer system manual; continental shelf mining; corporate strategic model
abbr., oncol., med. U K Committee on Safety of Medicines
abbr., ophtalm. Central steady maintained (метод проверки косоглазия - Involves covering one eye while the child is fixating on an object. The non-covered eye should remain with central fixation, steady in its position, and maintained through a blink. This is a good gross test for fixation ability. google.com.ua Баян); Centrality, steadiness, maintenance (Баян)
abbr., pharma. Committee on the Safety of Medicines (ННатальЯ)
abbr., physiol. CerebroSpinal Meningitis
abbr., plast. ChloroSulfonated Polyethylene Rubber
abbr., polym. cation selective membrane
abbr., post Customer Satisfaction Measurement (survey)
abbr., progr., IT Character Studio Marker
abbr., relig. Christian Student Ministries
abbr., scottish Chemical Surety Material; Copper Stretch Metal
abbr., space coffin strategic missile; combustion stabilization monitor; command ship module (spacecraft); communication service monitor; computational structural mechanics; configuration switch matrix
abbr., st.exch. Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc.
abbr., telecom. composite signal multi-frequency dialling
abbr., tradem. Cia Siderurgica Mannesmann (Бразилия)
abbr., transp. Conceptual Site Model
mil., abbr. calendar maintenance supervisor; chief of staff memorandum; close support mission; command sergeant major; communications security materials; communications security monitoring; continental shelf mine; critical supplies and materials
tech., abbr. cement stabilized mine stone; clutter suppression measures; computerized semiconductor measurement system
csm abbr.
hydrol. cubic feet per second per square mile