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CSA abbr.
abbr. chicken serum albumin; Chief Software Architect; Control Self Assessment; capacity supply agreement (Leonid Dzhepko); Catch-Survey Analysis (рыб. Ying); current state assessment (Ася Кудрявцева); cloud security alliance; Ceremonies Staging Agency (Олимпиада Сочи-2014 Leonid Dzhepko); Combat Support Agency; Communication Streaming Architecture (Intel, MCH, DNB); Computing Service Association; Crime Syndicate Of America; Computer Science Association; Cryogenic Society of America; Scientific Council for Africa; cost and support assembly; Control self-assessment (Control self-assessment (CSA) is an effective tool for improving a business' internal controls and business processes. CSA can be implemented in several ways, but its distinguishing feature is that risk assessments and internal control evaluations are made by operational employees or lower-level managers who work in the area being evaluated. Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., agric. Community Supported Agriculture; Climate Smart Agriculture (leselidze)
abbr., anaesthes. continuous spinal anaesthesia (Ying); Chinese Society of Anesthesiology (Ying)
abbr., astronaut. Ceramatec SOXE assembly (MichaelBurov)
abbr., auto. closed loop secondary air; curtain shield airbag
abbr., automat. common service area
abbr., avia. code sharing agreement (MichaelBurov); computing system architecture; code safety analysis; cargo system allocation; chief of staff; China Software Association; combat support aircraft; committee on science and astronautics; command support aircraft; communication systems agency; communication systems analyzer; complex spareable assembly; control storage area; customer service administration; Change Safety Assessment
abbr., avia., med. cross section area
abbr., biotechn. comparative safety assessment
abbr., BrE Chief Scientific Adviser; Child Support Agency (Clepa)
abbr., Canada Canadian Securities Administrators (Канадские комиссии по регулированию рынка ценных бумаг Climber)
abbr., cardiol. chronic stable angina (Игорь_2006)
abbr., chem. Catalyst supply agreement (Соглашение на поставку катализатора Izuminka2008)
abbr., cinema Casting Society of America
abbr., comp. Communication Signal Analyser (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net. Calendaring and Scheduling API; client/server architecture
abbr., comp.name. China Shipowners Association
abbr., construct. Civil Structural Architectural (Civil/Structural/Architectural engineering and construction ZVI-73)
abbr., dril. Critical Speed Application (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. combined influences SET and APV forcings; Continental Shelf Associates, Inc.; continuum source atomic fluorescence spectroscopy
abbr., ecol. Chemical Safety Assessment (Спиридонов Н.В.)
abbr., ed., scient. Chinese Student Association
abbr., el. carrier serving area; carry skip adder; carry storage adder; China Software Alliance; Chinese Standards Association; chopper stabilized amplifier; client services agent; coaxial-to-strip adapter; command session abort; Communications Satellite Act; Communications System Agency; complementary self-aligned (stripe array); complex saturable absorber; current sector address; current-sensing data-bus amplifier
abbr., electr.eng. corrugated seamless aluminum (sheath)
abbr., expl. calcium-sulpho-aluminate
abbr., file.ext. InterComm ASCII Sheet File
abbr., fin. commission sharing agreement (UK) (Великобритания Alexander Matytsin)
abbr., gas.proc. Civil, Structural and Architectural (Aiduza)
abbr., geogr. Confederate States of America (Vosoni)
abbr., IT Carrier Service Area; Chip System Architecture; common system area; Canadian standards association; companion screen application (Alex_Odeychuk); Computer Security Act (USA)
abbr., law Child Sexual Abuse; Consulting Services Agreement (kondorsky)
abbr., logist. Czechoslovak Airlines
abbr., Makarov. cost of solar array
abbr., manag. Customer Service Agreement (annvoron)
abbr., math., scient. Canadian Space Agency
abbr., med. California Society Of Anesthesiologists; Canadian Stuttering Association; Central Sleep Apnea (harser); Clinical Skills Assessment (Стелла); Compressed Spectral Array (harser); colony-stimulating activity; Common Services Agency; Controlled Substances Act
abbr., med.appl. charge sampling amplifier (harser)
abbr., media. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
abbr., mil. Chief of Staff, Army; Confederate States Army; Chief of Staff, United States Army; combat support agency; container stuffing activity; Central Security Agency; Central Supplies Agency; Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; Corps Storage Area
abbr., mil., air.def. computer system administrator; countermeasures set, acoustic
abbr., mil., avia. Assistant Chief of Staff for Studies and Analysis
abbr., mil., WMD Chemical storage area; configuration status accounting
abbr., mob.com. Customer Spend Analytics ((мобильная связь) Krio)
abbr., nautic. Canada Shipping Act (Venita)
abbr., nucl.pow. comprehensive safeguards agreement (Boris54)
abbr., O&G, casp. commissioning safety assessment (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, karach. Condensate Sales Agreement (Договор купли-продажи газового конденсата, ДКПГК Aiduza)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Canadian Standard Association
abbr., O&G, sakh. Civil, Structural, Architectural (pipa1984)
abbr., oil casing set at; Canadian Standards Administration; cement squeeze analyzer; constant scattering angle; cross-sectional area
abbr., org.name. Committee of Sponsoring Agencies; Scientific Council for Africa South of the Sahara; Core Support Agency; Administrative Services Division
abbr., pharm. Crystalline Sodium Amoxicillin (Игорь_2006)
abbr., plast.surg. circumflex scapular artery
abbr., post Candidate Supplemental Application (in USPS employee application process); Customer / Supplier Agreement (USPS, 2008)
abbr., progr. class slice abstraction (ssn)
abbr., relig. Christian Stewardship Association
abbr., scient. Chief of Staff of the Army; "Coordination and support actions" (Проекты типа "Coordination and support actions" направлены на координацию, согласование, налаживание связей и объединение научных проектов, программ, правил и норм программы FP7 ННатальЯ)
abbr., scottish Chief Scientific Adviser, defence scientific staff (UK); Computer Sciences of Australia Pty Limited
abbr., sec.sys., IT Cisco Security Agent
abbr., space Chinese Society of Astronautics; Communication Satellite Act
abbr., sport. Chinese Shuttlecock Association
abbr., st.exch. Casting Society Of America
abbr., tech. Canadian standards and testing agency (Sloneno4eg)
abbr., telecom. common storage area
comp., abbr. carrier servicing area
energ.ind., abbr. containment spray actuation; core support assembly; core support barrel; cross-servicing agreement
Gruzovik, abbr., chem.comp. chlorsulphonic acid
Gruzovik, abbr., econ. commercial service area
mil., abbr. Communications Agency; central supply agency; close support area; combat surveillance agency; combat system architecture; commercial service area; commercial service authorization; computer system analyst; conical scan antenna; contractor support area; cross-service agreement; customer supply assistance
railw., abbr. combined baggage, dormitory and kitchen
tech., abbr. carry-save adder; chopper-stabilized amplifier; conditional sum adder; core special assembly; core structure accident
CsA abbr.
abbr. cyclosporin A
abbr., med. cyclosporine А
CSA: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Name of organization1