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fishery 阴极线管
| display
dat.proc. 直观 显示
el. meas.inst. 显示器
gymn. 排列
interntl.trade. 陈列品; 展览品
met. 指示器; 显像
skydive. 指示; 显示器

adjective | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
CRT [,si: a:'ti:] adj.
fishery 阴极线管
 English thesaurus
CRT [,si: a:'ti:] abbr.
abbr. combat-readiness trainer; combat-readiness training
abbr., avia. correction
abbr., busin. correct; crate
abbr., earth.sc. cathode-ray tube terminal; cation regenerant tank; cell residence times; critical relaxation time; cylindrical radiation thermometer
abbr., fin. credit risk transfer
abbr., med. central retinal thickness (oxana135); capillary refill time (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capillary_refill Andrey Truhachev); Certified Respiratory Therapist
abbr., oil channel response time; charactron tube; choice reaction time; classical radon transformation; complex ray tracing; controlled thermonuclear reaction; counter recovery time
abbr., space constant-rate-of-traverse
CRTS abbr.
abbr., fr., space Centre Royal de Teledetection Spatiale du Maroc
CRT [,si: a:'ti:] abbr.
abbr. cathode-ray tube; Can't Remember Things; clever rapid thinker (Abberline_Arrol); Computer Technology Research (corporation, Anbieter); Conformal Radiation Therapy; circuit requirement table
abbr., account. Cash register tape (waxlips)
abbr., auto. Continuously Regenerating Trap (translator911); computer remote terminal; constant regenerative regenerative trap
abbr., avia. cross reference table (Interex); control relay translator; critical; critical requirement table; cycle reduction time
abbr., biotechn. Cyclic Reversible Termination (Altuntash)
abbr., comp., net., IT Computer Resource Teacher
abbr., dril. casing running tool (sergeantz)
abbr., ed., scient. Criterion Referenced Tests
abbr., el. call request time; carrier recovery time; C-band radar transponder; cellular radio telephoneaka Big Brother; characteristic relaxation time; clean room technology; clock rate test; complex ray theory; consonant recognition test; continuous representation theory; continuous ringing tone
abbr., energ.syst. theoretical capacity remuneration (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Internet security certificate; Terminal settings information (Oracle)
abbr., fishery tube cathodique
abbr., geol., scient. Cedar River Trail
abbr., IT C Run Time; Combined Rlogin And Telnet; Thin Film Transistor; Cathode ray tube
abbr., law Community Response Team
abbr., literal. critical race theory (Val_Ships)
abbr., Makarov. certified test record
abbr., math., scient. Chinese Remainder Theorem
abbr., med. Can't Really Treat; Cardiac Resuscitation Team; charged particle therapy (kat_j); conformal radiotherapy (harser); Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (Лорина); complement receptor type 1; complex reaction timer
abbr., media. Copyright Royalty Tribunal
abbr., mil. Cathode Ray Tube; cathode ray tube; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives response team; contingency response team
abbr., pharma. Controlled Room Temperature (Фьялар)
abbr., physiol., med. Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
abbr., progr. C run-time; control reference template (ssn)
abbr., scient. Criterion Referenced Test
abbr., scottish Component Repair Technologies Inc. (USA)
abbr., st.exch. Charitable Remainder Trust
mil. combat reaction time
mil., abbr. combat readiness training; combined radiation test; composite readiness test
tech., abbr. chief radio technician; collet retaining tube; cosmic ray telescope
crt [,si: a:'ti:] abbr.
abbr. crate (упаковочная клеть Yuriy83)
polym. circuit
Crt [,si: a:'ti:] abbr.
abbr. Court
Crt. abbr.
abbr. Court
abbr., commer. crate
Crt [,si: a:'ti:] adj.
lat. Crater (the Bowl, Чаша Vosoni)
CRT [,si: a:'ti:] abbr.
abbr., polit. Critical Race Theory (Баян)
: 29 phrases in 13 subjects
Air defense13
Hydroelectric power stations1
Information technology3
Project management2
Steel production1