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CPX | An
gen. …的人; …纲 的动 物; 不饱和的碳化物; 碳水化合物的酐类; 属于…的; … 的
archit. 标准大气压
gen. 见a
| exercise in
 exercise in
gen. …的练习
| which
econ. …的那个
| the
| forces
| are
met. 公亩
| simulated
wind. 模拟的
| involving
gen. 涉及
| the
| commander
gen. 指挥官
| his
gen. 他的
| staff
archit. 职员
| and
| communications
exhib. 通信
| within
gen. 不出
| and
| between
gen. 中间
| headquarters
gen. 总部
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | abbreviation
 English thesaurus
CPX abbr.
abbr. command post exercises (Vosoni)
abbr., avia. Culebra, Puerto Rico
abbr., IT Compressed drawing
abbr., med. chickenpox
abbr., mil. Command Post Exercise
abbr., physiol., med. Complete Physical eXamination
tech. command post exchange
Cpx abbr.
abbr. clinopyroxene
CPX abbr.
abbr., avia. communication planning exercise
abbr., el. check processing executive
abbr., file.ext. Compressed drawing (Corel Presentation Exchange)
abbr., mil. command post exercise; command-post exercise
Cpx abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. clinoaugite; clinopyroxenite