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BWI abbr.
expl. 钻头磨损指数磨损阻力的测量,这种磨损取决于材料的磨损硬度。该指标用来预测钻具的使用寿命,是钻速系数和磨损值的函数
 English thesaurus
BWI abbr.
abbr. Boss With Idea; Baltimore-Washington International (airport)
abbr., alum. Bond Work Index (kW-h/t)
abbr., auto. body in white
abbr., avia. Baltimore Washington International Airport, Baltimore, Maryland USA
abbr., el., scient. Bond-Wire Interconnect
abbr., expl. bit wear index
abbr., fin. Bretton Woods Institutions; bid will improve
abbr., goldmin. Bond Mill Work Index (MichaelBurov); Bond Work Index (MichaelBurov); Bond's work index (MichaelBurov)
abbr., law Boating While Intoxicated
abbr., nautic. Baltimore Md, U.S.A.
abbr., OHS Building and Wood Workers' International (Интернационал рабочих строительства и деревообработки ojka)
abbr., org.name. Bretton Woods institutions
abbr., polit. Bretton Woods Institution; British West Indies
abbr., transp. Baltimore - Washington International Airport
abbr., winemak. British Wine Industry (винодельческая промышленность Великобритании baletnica)
tech. byte wide interface