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gen. 帮助
gen. 有助推器的
busin. 受援助
econ. 受帮助的; 助理的
space 带助推器的; 带加速器的; 助推的
telecom. 援助的
| Satellite Navigation
 satellite navigation
space 卫星导航
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

verb | adjective | to phrases
assist [ə'sɪst] v
gen. 帮助
auto. 动,名协,辅; 货车驾驶人助手
baseb. 助杀
bridge. 支持
busin. 援助
fig.skat. 协助
hockey. 助攻
space 辅助; 助推; 加速; 助推器; 加速器
tech. 支援; 增加推力; 扶助
textile 辅助机械装置
assist. v
shipb. 辅助的; 助理; 助手
assists v
hockey. 协助次数
sport, bask. 助攻次数
assisted [ə'sɪstɪd] adj.
gen. 有助推器的
busin. 受援助
econ. 受帮助的; 助理的
space 带助推器的; 带加速器的; 助推的
telecom. 援助的
wind. 协助的; 辅助的
 English thesaurus
assist [ə'sɪst] abbr.
abbr. assistant
ASSIST [ə'sɪst] abbr.
abbr. Assistant Superintendent For School Improvement Supervision And Training; Automated Information System Security Incident Support Team; Automated Special Security Information System Terminal (Mil., USA)
abbr., ed., scient. Active Students Serving Instructing Socializing Together; Advanced Students Supporting Instructing And Servicing Technology; Australian Social Skills For International Students Training
abbr., el. almighty suitable design support tool; a scientific software interface system for terminal users; a simulator for silicon on insulator structures
abbr., mil. Army System for Standard Intelligence Support Terminals; Automated Systems Security Incident Support Team
abbr., mil., avia. automated systems security incident support term
mil. Army system for standard intelligence support terminals; Automated Special Security Information System; Automated Special Security Terminals; automated systems security incident support team
assist. abbr.
abbr., libr. assistant
Assisted Satellite Navigation
: 1 phrase in 1 subject