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Animal Production
 Animal Production
anim.husb. 畜牧学报
 animal production
agric. 家畜饲养
anim.husb. 畜牧生产; 家畜生产
desert. 动物生产
econ. 养畜业; 畜牧业; 牲畜饲养业
environ. 动物生产
| Service
wind. 业务

to phrases
animal production
agric. 家畜饲养
anim.husb. 畜牧生产; 家畜生产
desert. 动物生产
econ. 养畜业; 畜牧业; 牲畜饲养业
tech. 畜产品
animal production No definition needed
environ. 动物生产 (无需定义。)
Animal Production
anim.husb. 畜牧学报
Animal Production Service
: 50 phrases in 5 subjects
Animal husbandry29
Name of organization17
Work flow1