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ATV abbr.
abbr. Advanced Tether Vehicle; Air Transit Visa; Another Terrific Vacation; Anti-Theft Vehicle; Apathy Toward Volunteering; Automatic Trespass Vehicle; Air Training Command
abbr., afr. Afrikaanse Taalvereniging
abbr., astronaut. Automated Transfer Vehicle
abbr., auto. above the throttle valve; all time vehicle; automatic tracking unit
abbr., avia. antitank vehicle; auto trim valid; automatic ticket vendor
abbr., Dutch Arbeidstijdverkorting ((Dutch: reduction of working hours) http://www.acronymfinder.com/ATV.html Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., el. automatic transmitter verification (system); advanced television broadcasting; army television
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Artificial Transport Vehicle
abbr., fin. average transaction value (Denis Lebedev)
abbr., IT Advances Television
abbr., med. Abelson Virus Transformed; Ambystoma Tigrinum Stebbinsi Virus; Antisense Target Validation; Atazanavir; Avian Tumor Virus; anterior tibial vein (harser)
abbr., media. Another Twangy Voiceover; Associated Television
abbr., mil. Armored Transport Vehicle; Advanced Tethered Vehicle; Armored Treatment Vehicle (qwarty)
abbr., mil., avia. advanced television
abbr., multimed. advanced TV
abbr., pharm. atazanavir (атазанавир Dimpassy)
abbr., scottish Advanced Technology Vessel (Indian Navy nuclear attack submarine); All-Terrain Vehicle; Armoured TOW vehicle (Turkish Army)
abbr., space advanced technology vehicle; air test vehicle; air-to-vessel; Ariane transfer vehicle; autonomous transfer vehicle
abbr., st.exch. Accrued Transaction Value; Arc International Corporation
abbr., transp. Accurate Traffic Volume; Adjustable Travel Volume; All Terrain Vehicle; all terrain vehicle
comp. amateur television
media., abbr. Associated Television (England)
meteorol. aerodynamic test vehicle
mil. advanced test vehicle; adverse terrain vehicle; armored transport vehicle
tech. automatic threshold variation
ATVP abbr.
abbr., mil. all terrain vehicle