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ANN [æn] adj.
el.mach. 人工神经网络
ann. adj.
textile 年表; 年鉴
 English thesaurus
Ann [æn] abbr.
abbr., oil annulus
ann. n
well.contr. annulus (igisheva)
ANN [æn] abbr.
abbr. annunciator
abbr., AI. artificial neural network (MichaelBurov)
abbr., avia. Annette Island, Alaska USA
abbr., chem., scient. Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate
abbr., comp., net., IT Active Node Network; Approximate Nearest Neighbors
abbr., el. average nearest neighbor
abbr., el., scient. Artificial Neural Network
abbr., IT Windows 3.x Help ANNotations
abbr., mil. assign NNX routing
abbr., mil., air.def. artificial neural network, artificial nerve net
abbr., scottish Artificial Neural Networks; Automatic Neural Networks
abbr., st.exch. AnnTaylor Stores Corporation
abbr., transp. Program Director for Navigation and Landing
comp. airport national network
.ANN adj.
file.ext. Annotations (IBM)
ann. abbr.
abbr. annotated; annual; annuity; annually; annunciator
abbr., adv. announcer
abbr., earth.sc. annals; announce
abbr., econ. annul
abbr., met. annealed
ann [æn] abbr.
abbr. annals (Vosoni); annual; annuity
abbr., earth.sc. annuls-year
polym. annealed
Ann [æn] abbr.
abbr. annite
file.ext. Multi volume ARJ archive (ARJ archiver Vosoni)
Ann. abbr.
abbr. Anne
.ann adj.
file.ext. Annotations (file name extension, IBM)
Ann. adj.
lat. Anni ("years")
anner. abbr.
abbr., adv. announcer
ANN [æn] abbr.
abbr. artificial neural nets
abbr., busin. annulment
abbr., oil all numeral numbering; announce; artificial nerve neural networks
ANN: 19 phrases in 6 subjects
International trade1
Textile industry14