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ALSP | data
avia. 诸元; 信息; 特性; 已知数; 论据
desert. 资料; 数据
dril. 数据采集和技术分析系统
math. 数字; 事实
| and
| protocol
math. 草案
| transfer
surg. 移转
| over
crick. 交换
runtime infrastructure
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
 English thesaurus
ALSP abbr.
abbr. Atmosphere and Land Surface Processes
abbr., law alternative legal service providers (LadaP)
abbr., mil. Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol
abbr., mil., avia. aggregate level simulation protocol
abbr., scottish Aggregate Defensive Simulation Protocol (USA)
mil. Army logistics study program
ALSP data
: 1 phrase in 1 subject