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ADJ abbr.
proj.manag. 相邻 (adjacent)
 English thesaurus
ADJ abbr.
abbr. Adjust
abbr., avia. Amman Civil Airport, Marka, Jordan; adjust (able)
abbr., busin. adjusting; adjustive
abbr., dentist. amelo-dental junction (MichaelBurov); amelo-dentinal junction (MichaelBurov); amelodental junction (MichaelBurov); amelodentinal junction (MichaelBurov); dental-enamel junction (MichaelBurov); dentino-enamel junction (MichaelBurov); dentinoenamel junction (MichaelBurov); enamel-dentine junction (MichaelBurov); enamelo-dentinal junction (MichaelBurov); enamelodentinal junction (MichaelBurov); DEJ (MichaelBurov); EDJ (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. Associaçâo De Diabetes Juvenil; Australian Dental Journal; Adjudication
abbr., mil., avia. AN airman, jet striker
abbr., mil., navy Aviation Machinist's Mate J (старшина — авиационный механик по реактивным двигателям; сокр.; Jet Engine Mechanic Углов)
abbr., physiol., med. Adjacent; Adjoining; Adjunct
abbr., post Adjustment (on a report, plus or minus)
abbr., scient. Administration of Justice
mil. angle deception jamming
adj abbr.
abbr. adjacent; adjoining; adjourned; adjudged; adjunct (1. помощник, адъюнкт; 2. дополнение, придаток; 3. (грам.) определение Углов); adjustable (регулируемый Углов); adjuster; adjustment; adjutant
abbr., el. adjustment
abbr., oil adjuvant
cartogr. adjusted
gram. adjective
IT adjust
adj. abbr.
abbr. adjustable
abbr., earth.sc. adjective; adjoining; adjourned
abbr., econ. businesslike
abbr., gram. adjective (http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/adj-?showCookiePolicy=true ssn)
insur. Adjustment of the average
polym. adjacent; adjust; adjustment
: 16 phrases in 9 subjects
Computer numerical control1
Hydroelectric power stations1