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gen. 负责训练的空军助理参谋长
| Operational Requirements
 operational requirement
nautic. tech. 运用要求
space 使用 要求; 作战要求; 使用要求
tech. 使用要求
wind. 操作要求
 operational requirements
avia. 使用要求

to phrases
ACAS ['eɪkæs] abbr.
gen. 负责训练的空军助理参谋长 (Training)
 English thesaurus
ACAS ['eɪkæs] abbr.
abbr. Aboriginal Children's Advancement Society; Advisory Conciliation Arbitration Service; Advisory, Conciliation, and Arbitration Service; American Capital Strategies, LTD.; Asian Community Aids Services; Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society; Automotive Collision Avoidance System; Adherent Cell Analysis And Sorting; air-cycle air conditioning system (система кондиционирования воздуха с воздушным циклом Углов); Application Control Architecture Services (DEC); automatic component assembly system (автоматизированная система монтажа электронных компонентов Углов); AUTOVON centralized alarm system; ACAS (Training); ACAS Intelligence; ACAS Training
abbr., austral. Aged Care Assessment Services
abbr., avia. Automatic Collision Avoidance System (MichaelBurov); airborn collision avoidance system (Interex); airborne collision avoidance system; Airborne Collision Avoidance System (MichaelBurov); air cycle air conditioning system; alert and collision avoidance system; analytics chemistry and applied spectroscopy; automated configuration accountability system; automated configuration accounting system; assistant chief of air staff (Eng, engineering)
abbr., BrE Assistant Chief of the Air Staff; Assistant Chief of the Air Staff, Policy; Assistant Chief of the Air Staff, Signals
abbr., ed., scient. Academic Credentials Assessment Service
abbr., med. Adherent Cell Analysis and Sorting; Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study (harser)
abbr., mil. Army Commissary Automated System; Army Crisis Action System; Army Centralized Access System (PX_Ranger)
abbr., oil analytical chemistry and applied spectroscopy
abbr., progr., IT Adaptive Context Aware Services
abbr., scottish Advisory, Conciliation & Arbitration Service; Airborne Collision-Avoidance System; Airfield Chemical Alarm System
abbr., space automatic central alarm system
abbr., tradem. Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service; Automated Collection Analysis Service
abbr., transp. Airborne Collision Avoidance System
mil. automatic collision avoidance system
tech. aircraft collision avoidance system; automatic chemical alarm system
ACAST ['eɪkæs] abbr.
abbr. ACAS (Training)
Acas ['eɪkæs] abbr.
abbr. Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service
ACAs ['eɪkæs] abbr.
abbr., securit. anti-takeover charter amendment
: 6 phrases in 1 subject