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ABM | test range
 test range
avia. 测试范围
space 试验靶场

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
 English thesaurus
ABM [,eibi: 'em] abbr.
abbr. A Buck More; Always Be Marketing; Automated Banking Machine; Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty; abeam (на траверзе Углов); Administration Building Marine (SEIC ABelonogov); anti-ballistic-missile
abbr., auto. automatic brake module
abbr., avia. Bamaga, Queensland, Australia; apu built-up manual (Interex); air air-to-air battle managements; anti ballistic missile; APU build-up manual
abbr., avia., avia., ICAO asynchronous balanced mode
abbr., comp. Address Book Manager (Dmitry); automatic batch mixing (ZolVas); activity-based management (ZolVas)
abbr., comp., net. advanced battery management
abbr., comp., net., IT Answer Back Message
abbr., econ. achieved bistro margin (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. advanced ballistic missile; advanced bipolar monolithic technology
abbr., el., scient. Activity Based Management
abbr., file.ext. Album (Image PALS, PhotoPlus)
abbr., inet. A Big Mistake
abbr., IT Album
abbr., med. Abamectin; Alveolar Basement Membrane
abbr., media. Author's Big Mistake
abbr., mil. Acquisition And Business Management; Asynchronous Balanced Mode; Air Bursting Munition (qwarty); antiballistic missile
abbr., mus. Ashdown Bass Magnifier
abbr., progr. activity-based management (ssn)
abbr., scottish Air-Breathing Missile
abbr., sport. Auto Banishment Match
abbr., st.exch. ABM Industries Incorporated; Alternative Bond Market (la_tramontana); associate broker member (London Metal Exchange aht)
abbr., tradem. All Bout Money
abbr., vet.med., med. Assured British Meat
tech., abbr. atomic beam method; automated batch mixing
ABM [,eibi: 'em] abbr.
abbr., avia. advanced bill of materials
abbr., busin. abeam
abbr., Makarov. antiballistic missile system
abbr., oil Atlas Bradford modified
abbr., space anti-ballistic missile; apogee boost manoeuver; apogee boost motor
abbr., UN Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
Air defense1