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A term | that
gen. ; 代替前面提到的名词; 以免重复; 或代替前句内容; 前者;
| categorises
avia. 加以类别
| the
| time in
 time in
sport, bask. 比赛进行时间
| which
econ. …的那个
| literature
tech. 文献
| or
gen. 或是
| any
gen. 一些
| art
environ. 艺术
| was
tech. 金刚石晶体磨光面
| produced
commer. 生产的
| A
anim.husb. 羧化酶
| period
math. 周期,时期
| could
gen. 可以
be a | span of time
 span of time
oil 时间跨度
| such
gen. 非常
| Renaissance
textile 文艺复兴
| period
math. 周期,时期
| it
| could
gen. 可以
| refer to
 refer to
gen. 参考
| the
| reign
gen. 支配
of a | monarch
auto. tradem. 君主
| for example
 for example
tech. 例如
| the
Elizabethan Period | or
gen. 或是
| it
| could
gen. 可以
be a | movement
gen. 举动
| for instance
 for instance
gen. 比如
| the
Romantic Period
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to phrases
 English thesaurus
A Term
abbr. air terminal
A term that categorises the time in which literature, or any art, was produced. A period could be a span of time, such Renaissance period, it could refer to the reign of a monarch, for example the Elizabethan Period, or it could be a movement, for instance the Romantic Period
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal1