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.bbs abbr.
comp., net. 电子公告板系统文件名后缀
IT 电子公告板系统文件名后缀 (bbs 是 bulletin board system 的缩写,电子公告板系统文件的 扩展名)
 English thesaurus
BBS abbr.
abbr. Bulletin Board Soda; Bermuda Biological Station; Big Bulging Sock; Bitch Bout Shit; bulletin board system; budget breakdown structure (Boris54)
abbr., astronaut. Bulletin Board Systems
abbr., avia. British Biophysical Society; bus-bare
abbr., comp., net. bulletin board service; basic service set
abbr., construct. bar bending schedule (O.V.Golubev)
abbr., cryptogr. BBS generator (stands for authors L.Blum, M.Blum and M.Shub Vosoni)
abbr., earth.sc. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
abbr., ed. Big Brothers And Sisters
abbr., el. basic bit string; baud base system; broadband signal; bucket-brigade shift register; bucket brigade structure; circuit blocked by sending the blocking signal
abbr., el., scient. Broad Band Spectrum
abbr., electr.eng. block building system
abbr., file.ext. File containing e-mail info (e.g. files.bbs Vosoni); Hudson-style message base (GoldED Vosoni)
abbr., food.ind. Baby Brine Shrimp
abbr., IT Be Back Soon; Bulletin Board System; Bulletin Board System announcement or text information; Hudson-style messagebase; building-block system; broadcasting satellite service
abbr., med. Barolet-Biedl Syndrome; Bashful Bladder Syndrome; Behavioral And Brain Sciences (periodical); Benign Breast Syndrome; Bilateral Breath Sounds; Both Bones; Brown Bowel Syndrome; Bulletin Board Software; Bardet–Biedl syndrome, синдром Барде—Бидля (doc090); Berg Balance Scale (ННатальЯ); borate buffered saline
abbr., mil. Battalion Battle Simulation; Brigade Battle Simulation
abbr., mil., avia. bare base sets
abbr., mus. Black Belt Singer
abbr., oil bachelor of business service; benzylbutyl sulfone; British Biochemical Society; butyl benzyl sebacate
abbr., progr., IT Browser Based System
abbr., scottish Brigade / Battalion Battle Simulation
abbr., space baseband switching
abbr., sport. Big Bull Shoot
abbr., tradem. Bison Business Supplies; Butch's Bore Shine
abbr., transp. Big Black Sign
abbr., vet.med., med. Breeding Bird Survey
IT be back soon
mil. brigade/battalion simulation
tech. battery backup system; building block system; business expansion scheme