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-ote abbr.
gen. ; 居民
OTE abbr.
space 国家电信组织 (希腊文缩写的音译)
 English thesaurus
OTE abbr.
abbr. On Target Earnings; Over The Edge; oxygen transfer efficiency (Winddancer); See OT&E; optically transparent electrode
abbr., avia. on target earning; operational test equipment
abbr., BrE on-target earnings (Anglophile)
abbr., commer. Organization des Transports Européens
abbr., comp., IT Outside Thermal Exhaust
abbr., earth.sc. oxygen transfer exponent
abbr., EBRD on-track earnings (oVoD)
abbr., el. optical terminal equipment; optical transmission equipment; optical transparent electrode
abbr., fin. Osaka Textiles Exchange
abbr., IT Open Transaction Environment
abbr., media. One Time Exclusive
abbr., mil. On The Edge; operational test and evaluation (техники)
abbr., mil., avia. odd transversal electrical
abbr., oil oil-powered total energy; olefinic thermoplastic elastomer
abbr., plast. olefinic thermoplastic elastomers
abbr., scottish Operational Test & Evaluation; Operator Training Equipment
abbr., space operating test equipment; operational test environment
abbr., tradem. Organisation for Timeshare in Europe; Organizzazione Trasporti Estero
energ.ind. ocean thermal energy
mil. optical tracking electronics
NYSE., st.exch. Hellenic Telecommunications