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noun | abbreviation
-ose n
gen. 词尾; ; 碳水化合物; 蛋白质分解产物; 水解蛋白质的衍生物; 充满…的; 多…的; 喜爱…的; …状的; …性的
agric. 蛋白质产物
ose [-əʊs,-əʊz] n
gen. 接种用白金耳
food.serv. 白金耳; 接种环
oil 蛇形丘
 English thesaurus
OSE [-əʊs,-əʊz] abbr.
abbr. Operations Simulations Engineer; Open Software / System Environment; Orbiter Support Equipment (Vosoni); Overall Severity Estimate (Vosoni); Oslo Securities Exchange
abbr., avia. Omora, Papua New Guinea; office of system engineering; omniforce spatial environment; operational operations support equipment; out of use equipment
abbr., comp., net. Open System Environment
abbr., comp., net., IT Office Server Extensions
abbr., el. open software environment; optical surveillance experiment; output scheduler element; overall system effectiveness
abbr., meteorol. Oryza Sativa Embryogenesis; optimized second echo (harser); Office of Scientific Evaluation (FDA); World Union - (Child Relief and Health Protection of Jewish Population)
abbr., mil. Open Systems Environment; on scene endurance; operations support element
abbr., mil., avia. officer scheduling the exercise
abbr., pharma. on-site evaluation (канадская аббревиатура: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/compli-conform/gmp-bpf/docs/gui-0080-eng.php#a4 yurii_kuznetsov)
abbr., scottish Operations Support Equipment
abbr., st.exch. Osage Systems Group, Inc.; Osaka Securities Exchange; Oslo Stock Exchange
abbr., tech. On Scene Endurance
abbr., tradem. Offshore Software Engineering
mil. operational status equipment; operational support equipment; overseas security eligibility
OSE [-əʊs,-əʊz] abbr.
abbr. operational shutdown earthquake (traduiser); open service environment
abbr., avia. observing system experiments
abbr., comp.name. Ocean Science and Engineering, Inc.
abbr., earth.sc. Ocean Science and Engineering Inc.; ocean systems engineering
abbr., histol. ovarian surface epithelium (iwona)
abbr., oil ocean system engineering
abbr., space Office of Systems Engineering; optical shaft encoder; orbital sequence of events; orbital support equipment