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"Ro" n
mil. "吕" (号潜艇(日))
 English thesaurus
rO. abbr.
abbr., textile reddish orange
abbr. röntgen (roentgen)
RO abbr.
abbr. range only
abbr., avia. relation object; roll out
abbr., busin. railway operating; return on investment; room only
abbr., commer. Rial Omani
abbr., earth.sc. reefs in outcrop; rock; runoff
abbr., gymn. Arab spring
abbr., mil. range operations
abbr., oil read out; recovery operation; residual oil; resistivity of oil; reversed out; ringer oscillator; round off
abbr., police registered owner (of a vehicle, as in "check this vehicle RO" Val_Ships)
abbr., space resource owner
abbr., sport., psychol. relationship orientation
Ro abbr.
abbr. resistivity of a water-filled formation; vitrinite reflectance; Rockwell number
abbr., earth.sc. resistivity of the formation when 100% water
abbr., mil. search radius rounded to next highest whole number
abbr., sport. round-off; roan
abbr., tech. radio
mil. regional office
RO abbr.
abbr. Radar Operation; Radon Occurence; Read-Only (I/O); Rebel Outpost; Records Office; rector; Red Oxide; Renewables Obligation; Repair and Overhaul; Research Organization; Results Of; Roll On; Roll Over; Romanian; Romantic Obsession; rough opening; Royal Observatory; robotics (ssn); read-out; Rule Out; runout; Russian Orphan
abbr., auto. rear overhang
abbr., avia. radar observer; repair order; right outboard; rollout; Tarom Romanian Air Transport; Radio Operator
abbr., BrE Records; retired officer
abbr., commer. Requirements Officer (Navy)
abbr., comp., net. read only; receive only
abbr., corp.gov. recipient organization
abbr., EBRD Resident Office (raf)
abbr., el. radio optics; random order; range-only; readout; receive-only; receiver output; receiving optics; reflecting object; registration office; relationship optimizer; relaxation oscillation; relocatable output; remote office; remote operations; replacement operator; reverse osmosis (membrane); ring oscillator
abbr., food.ind. reverse osmosis (spanishru); reversed osmosis
abbr., IT reference oscillator (key2russia); Ring Out
abbr., med. Renal Osteodystrophy; rule out (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med.appl. radiopaque (AmieEnnemie)
abbr., nautic. route order
abbr., O&G, sakh. requisition originator
abbr., org.name. Regional Offices
abbr., physiol. Radon Occurrence; Reproductive Organ; Routine order
abbr., polit. Romania
abbr., qual.cont. Reliability Office
abbr., scottish Range Only type sonobuoy; Retired Officer (British Army); Royal Ordnance (UK); Romania (NATO country code)
abbr., securit. remittance order
abbr., shipb. Recognised Organisation (Anewtta)
abbr., tech. relay output (Adrax)
abbr., textile reddish orange
ecol. reverse osmosis
energ.ind. rank ordering; refueling operations
mil. radar operator; radio operator; range officer; range operation; receiving office; receiving officer; reconnaissance officer; records officer; recovery operations; recruiting officer; redistribution order; regimental orders; regional officer; regulating officer; reportable occurrence; reporting officer; requirements objective; requisitioning objective; research office; research officer; reserve of officers; reserve officer; reserve order; rework order; right observer; room orderly; routine order; routing office; routing officer
tech. radio navigation mobile station; radio observer; reactor operator; recorder; recto; register operation; remain open; restriction orifice; right-hand page; ringing oscillator
ro abbr.
abbr. road
abbr., auto. Rot
abbr., commer. rod
abbr., genet. rough
abbr., oil reference object; rose
relig. rood
ro. abbr.
abbr., libr. roan; rouble
mining. rod
: 110 phrases in 18 subjects
International trade6
Life sciences1
Oil / petroleum2
Soil science1
Textile industry10
Water resources4