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vector ['vektə] n
agric. nositel infekce; přenášeč infekce
med., health., anim.husb. vektor
vector One of the two major types of internal data organization used in GIS. Vector systems are based primarily on coordinate geometry and take advantage of the convenient division of spatial data into point, line, and polygon types. Vector structures are especially suited to storing definitions of spatial objects for which sharp boundaries exist or can be imposed ['vektə] n
environ. vektor
 English thesaurus
vector ['vektə] abbr.
abbr. v
avia., amer. A heading given by a controller to a pilot on the basis of radar-derived information to provide navigational guidance
med. In genetically engineered vaccines, a vector is a bacterium or virus that transports antigen-coding genes into the body to provoke an immune response. The vector itself does not provoke an immune response or cause disease. A vector may also refer to an organism, especially an insect, that transmits disease-causing agents. see also genetic engineering
mil., abbr. vec; vtr
VECTOR ['vektə] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. vector plotting program
abbr., lab.eq. Viral Emergency Control Tactical Operations and Response
abbr., mil. Virtual Environment Cultural Training for Operational Readiness
abbr., mil., WMD State Research Center for Virology and Biotechnology
: 58 phrases in 10 subjects
Energy industry2
Health care1